Can Pregnant Women Eat Mushrooms

Can Pregnant Women Eat Mushrooms
Can Pregnant Women Eat Mushrooms

Mushrooms are an excellent source of protein, vitamins and minerals. However, they are quite difficult to digest and absorb, so that their use can be associated with certain difficulties, especially in the case of pregnancy.

Can pregnant women eat mushrooms
Can pregnant women eat mushrooms

The benefits of mushrooms

It is very useful for women in position to diversify their diet with fresh mushrooms. They are often called forest meat, because the chemical composition of mushrooms is close to animal products. They are abundant in nitrogenous substances, but especially in protein. There is much more of it in mushrooms than in many vegetables. There is more protein in dried white mushrooms than in meat.

In addition, mushrooms are rich in copper, nicotinic acid. Flywheels are especially abundant in it. In terms of zinc content, mushrooms are in first place among plants. However, do not forget that this product is a strong allergen, therefore, pregnant women with severe toxicosis may have problems with their digestion. Despite the abundance of nutrients, some doctors do not advise pregnant women to include mushrooms in their menu. The reason for this taboo lies in the risk of poisoning. Even for a healthy person, mushroom poisoning is quite difficult, let alone pregnant women. For reassurance, you should not try new, unusual mushrooms during pregnancy, which can cause an atypical reaction, but familiar, "proven" types of this product can be consumed without fear, but only if there is no doubt about their quality.

Whether or not to include mushrooms in the diet, every pregnant woman decides for herself. Keep in mind that the nutrients found in mushrooms can be obtained from other foods as well. So forcing yourself to eat mushrooms in pursuit of healthiness is not necessary, especially if you do not like their taste.

The ideal option for pregnant women is to include mushrooms in the diet. They contain the optimal amount of amino acids and other nutrients.

What is the best way to eat mushrooms for pregnant women?

Mushrooms hardly lose their benefits even after heat treatment. However, it is best for pregnant women to eat boiled or stewed mushrooms, but it is advisable to exclude fried ones. The heat treatment of forest mushrooms must be carried out for at least an hour so that potential toxic substances are destroyed under the influence of high temperature.

It is not worth buying this product in unverified markets, where mushrooms harvested from a busy highway may be sold. It is best to purchase them from a trusted store. In supermarkets, you can find boletus, champignons, oyster mushrooms and honey mushrooms, which are grown in specialized greenhouses and undergo sanitary control. Be sure to carefully examine the mushrooms before cooking: they should be free of plaque or mold.

Mushrooms contain chitin, which in large quantities exerts a load on the digestive system. That is why mushroom dishes are not suitable for the daily diet of pregnant women.

It is better for pregnant women to avoid pickled or pickled mushrooms, especially those sold ready-made. Such mushrooms are seriously inferior to natural ones in the amount of nutrients, they have almost no benefit. Mushrooms in vinegar, for example, can cause heartburn and stomach pain, while salty mushrooms can increase swelling.
