Should Pregnant Women Eat Tomatoes?

Should Pregnant Women Eat Tomatoes?
Should Pregnant Women Eat Tomatoes?

Tomato is a healthy vegetable that everyone knows. It contains glucose, sodium, magnesium, iron, fructose, manganese, zinc, vitamins B, A, B2, B6, PP, K, E. But despite all their usefulness, tomatoes are not recommended for people with urolithiasis, diseases kidneys, gallbladder. If you have arthritis and allergies, you shouldn't eat tomatoes either. Unfortunately, many now suffer from these diseases, the question arises - is it possible for pregnant women to eat tomatoes?

Should pregnant women eat tomatoes?
Should pregnant women eat tomatoes?

The benefits of tomatoes during pregnancy

If the pregnant woman does not have the risk of contracting these diseases, then tomatoes should not be excluded from the diet. Often pregnant women suffer from constipation, and tomatoes have a good laxative effect.

Also, pregnancy puts a lot of stress on the cardiovascular system, and tomatoes, in turn, help the normal functioning of the heart.

Tomatoes are also an antitumor agent, have hematopoietic properties, and normalize metabolism in the body.

How pregnant women eat tomatoes

As we can see, it is very useful for pregnant women to eat tomatoes, but we advise you not to overdo it, there is no need for negative consequences during such a period. Tomatoes are best eaten fresh, for example, in salads with olive oil or sour cream. You can eat no more than two tomatoes per day.

Tomatoes are a low-calorie vegetable (only 23 kcal per 100 g), and pregnant women just need to be careful about their weight.

But in the last trimester, it is better to exclude this vegetable from the diet. Red foods are a strong allergen, this can affect the baby with various rashes.
