Celibacy Crown: Signs Of The Seal Of Loneliness

Celibacy Crown: Signs Of The Seal Of Loneliness
Celibacy Crown: Signs Of The Seal Of Loneliness

The celibacy crown is a fairly common phenomenon in magic, representing an evil eye or damage of a complex type. It is usually imposed by a professional sorcerer or just an envious person on a certain person in order to deprive her of the opportunity to marry or marry. This phenomenon manifests itself, as experts say, usually in different ways.


Signs of a celibate crown

Some occultists argue that with a real crown of celibacy, a person cannot have sexual relations with anyone until the negative is removed from him or his family. However, this is not quite true. Often people, "carrying" a wreath of celibacy, get married or get married, but their family happiness does not last long. They get divorced, find new loved ones. It would seem to live and rejoice. But even with their strong desire for this, they do not succeed. In the end, such people are left alone. So, the first sign of celibacy is loneliness.

The second sign is the rejection of a person by the opposite sex. Sometimes a woman (or a man) is very smart, beautiful, kind. But, no matter how hard she tries, she cannot find a common language with men. Those either do not understand her, or completely ignore her, or even treat her aggressively. Or, and this is the third sign, she herself cannot start communicating with anyone, feeling a certain block (just not to be confused with shyness - this is different!).

The fourth sign of how to determine the crown of celibacy, which is not manifested in everyone (see the first sign), is the impossibility of entering into marriage. It seems that a person has a relationship, he loves his soul mate very much, is happy with her. But as soon as it comes to the registry office, something necessarily happens and everything gets upset. People are breaking up. And it's good if they remain good friends, otherwise it also happens that they become bitter enemies for each other.

The fifth sign is signs on the palm. Or rather, their absence. A normal person has numerous lines on the left palm under the hill of Mercury or on the edge of the palm. If they are not there, then this already suggests that a person has a celibacy crown. In addition, there are also additional signs: indifference to intimate life, fear of loneliness, unwillingness or, conversely, an acute desire to have children of their own, lack of interest in marriage, a feeling of defenselessness, frequent nightmares, depression. These are all very important signs of a celibate crown. However, remember that they are not one hundred percent able to say that there is a curse on you. To say with precision whether celibacy among women or men has a crown can only be a real magician. So try not to do self-programming.

What is the difference between the crown of celibacy and the seal of loneliness

Despite the fact that the crown of celibacy and the seal of loneliness are confused or even identified with each other, the difference between them is enormous. The seal of loneliness is made only for one person, and not for his entire generation, that is, it is not transmitted from father to son or from mother to daughter, as the celibacy crown does. In addition, the seal of loneliness is the same damage to loneliness and it is much easier to remove it.

Now you know how to identify a celibate crown yourself, and you can do it yourself. Just do not rush to label yourself. Maybe it's just not the time yet, and fate is preparing an unexpected gift for you in the form of a loved one who wants to live with you all his life.
