Give Birth By Yourself Or Have A Cesarean Section?

Give Birth By Yourself Or Have A Cesarean Section?
Give Birth By Yourself Or Have A Cesarean Section?

Pregnant women often face this question: try to give birth on their own or give birth by caesarean section. Which is better?

Give birth by yourself or have a cesarean section?
Give birth by yourself or have a cesarean section?

Caesarean section from Latin is translated as royal incision or royal birth. The essence of this method lies in the fact that women in labor are cut through the wall of the uterus and the fetus is removed through this incision. Now in Russian medicine, a cesarean section is used only in case of emergency, if there is a threat to the mother or child. Recently, however, caesarean section has become fashionable, for women it seems less painful and faster way to give birth to a child. Of course, it is better to give birth on your own, of course, if there are no serious indications for a cesarean section.

Caesarean section is an operation, and any surgical intervention cannot pass without leaving a trace. And the scar on the abdomen is not at all the most important thing. For at least a month, the woman feels the consequences of the operation. It will be quite difficult and painful to move, and your back will often hurt. And after natural childbirth, young mothers already after 2 days feel quite normal.

After a cesarean section, doctors often prohibit subsequent independent childbirth. Many women, carrying a second child, want to give birth on their own, but this is already contraindicated for them, since a rupture of the uterus can occur at the site of the suture. Of course, this does not mean that after a cesarean section, you cannot give birth on your own at all. Of course, this is possible, but it all depends on the amount of time that has passed after the operation, as well as on the state of the woman's body. Therefore, women should think several times before taking such a step as a cesarean section. Do not be afraid to give birth on your own.
