What Is A Cesarean Section

What Is A Cesarean Section
What Is A Cesarean Section

When natural childbirth is impossible, there is only one way out - a cesarean section. It is a surgical procedure whereby a baby is removed from the uterus through an incision in the abdomen.

What is a cesarean section
What is a cesarean section

Any operation is a risk. But when it comes to saving a woman or a child, this risk is justified. Although, compared to natural childbirth, the health hazard is several times higher.

Indications for surgery

A planned caesarean section is performed if:

1. You are obese.

2. Severe myopia. In this case, there is a risk of loss of vision (retinal detachment).

3. Narrow pelvis.

4. Malformations of the uterus and vagina.

5. Wrong position of the fetus.

6. Severe form of late toxicosis.

7. Diabetes mellitus or Rh-conflict.

Once labor begins, you may be offered an emergency caesarean section. It is carried out if:

1. There is a weak labor activity even after stimulating drugs.

2. Fetal hypoxia and cord entanglement.

Today, such an operation is performed in two ways: under general anesthesia or with the help of epidural anesthesia (the pain reliever is delivered through the spinal canal). The second method is more common because you are conscious and you can immediately see the child.

Risk to the child

During the operation, the child does not suffer in any way. Minor breathing problems may occur, but the baby will be monitored by doctors. In rare cases, the surgeon can touch the child with a scalpel, but all damage will soon heal.

True, there is an opinion that it will be more difficult for a baby to adapt to the environment. After all, he did not have to make any effort to be born.

The recovery process after a cesarean section

The recovery process after surgery is always longer. All recommendations about physical activity, nutrition, etc. you will get from your doctor.

At first, you will feel pain at the incision site. But this pain usually subsides after a few weeks. You will be prescribed pain relievers. In addition, you will be in constant trouble about the child, and the pain will seem to you a mere trifle.

Antibiotics are usually given to prevent infections. But there are cases of their occurrence at the incision site, in the urinary tract, or inflammation of the uterus is observed. You may have a fever and heavy bleeding. In this case, consult a doctor immediately.

In half of the cases, after a cesarean section, adhesions (stripes of scar tissue) occur. They can be unpleasant as they lead to immobility of organs. But their formation depends on how the surgeon sewed the tissue.
