Why Is A Cesarean Section Prescribed?

Why Is A Cesarean Section Prescribed?
Why Is A Cesarean Section Prescribed?

Caesarean section is a delivery operation, the name of which is believed to be associated with the name of the famous Roman emperor Julius Caesar (Caesar). He was born in this way: not through the natural birth canal, but through an incision made in the mother's abdomen and uterus. For what reasons the woman could not give birth on her own is unknown, but the name of the operation exists to this day.

Why is a cesarean section prescribed?
Why is a cesarean section prescribed?

Caesarean section is prescribed in cases where natural childbirth for any reason is impossible or is a danger to the life of the woman in labor and the fetus. Indications for this operation arise during childbirth or even earlier, during pregnancy.

Prescribing a planned cesarean section during pregnancy

Often, already in the prenatal period of the child's development, it becomes clear that he will not be able to be born in the usual way. The reason for this is diseases and developmental anomalies of the maternal organism, such as a narrow pelvis, congenital deformities and tumors of the pelvic bones of a pregnant woman, malformations of the vagina and uterus, discrepancy of the pubic bones in a woman (symphysitis).

An obstacle to natural childbirth is also scars on the uterus after previous cesarean sections (two or more) or one scar, but inconsistent (weakened), as well as narrowing of the vagina and cervix resulting from cicatricial changes.

Caesarean section is also prescribed in the presence of serious illnesses of a pregnant woman. These include diseases of blood vessels and heart, nervous system, high myopia, threatening retinal detachment, diabetes mellitus, cancer, genital herpes in the acute stage.

Surgical delivery is also performed if the age of the primiparous woman is over 30 years, with prolonged infertility, if these factors are combined with additional pathology.

Indications for cesarean treatment include a large fetal weight (over four kg) in combination with any other pathological factor, the transverse position of the fetus in the uterine cavity, not amenable to correction, accrete twins ( Siamese twins), chronic fetal hypoxia.

If a pregnant woman has a placenta previa (i.e., the placenta closes the baby's exit to the birth canal), a caesarean section is performed at 38 weeks of pregnancy. Otherwise, severe bleeding may develop, which is a threat to both the life of the mother and the life of the child.

Prescribing a Caesarean section during labor

If the surgical delivery prescribed during pregnancy is planned, then in childbirth there are urgent indications for this operation. Such indications include a too large fetal head relative to the mother's pelvis (clinically narrow pelvis). Premature discharge of amniotic fluid in the absence of the effect of delivery stimulation also leads to the prompt resolution of labor.

Caesarean section during childbirth is also carried out with weakness of labor (if drug therapy does not work); with the development of acute fetal hypoxia; with premature placental abruption; with a threatening or incipient rupture of the uterus; when the umbilical cord loops fall out; with a facial or frontal presentation of the fetal head.

A timely cesarean section operation has saved many women's and children's lives.
