What To Look For During Pregnancy

What To Look For During Pregnancy
What To Look For During Pregnancy

The health of the unborn child directly depends on the behavior and habits of the mother during pregnancy. It is not enough to give up alcohol and cigarettes. There are many factors to consider.

What to look for during pregnancy
What to look for during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when the expectant mother needs to monitor her health and well-being more carefully, because in addition to her own body, she is responsible for a tiny creature inside the abdomen.

First trimester

The first three months of pregnancy is the most important period in the development of the fetus: all organs and systems of the body are laid, a protective placenta is formed. The expectant mother needs to take care of her health. The use of contraceptives, as well as medicines contraindicated in pregnancy, is strictly prohibited. These drugs can cause irreparable harm to an immature fetus.

Diversify your diet with vitamins and minerals as much as possible. Please note that during the entire pregnancy, you can gain no more than 11-14 kg. Being overweight can negatively affect not only your well-being, but also the health of your child. You should not lean on starchy foods and sweets, hiding behind the fact that your body requires it. Go for more outdoor walks, swimming, or other relaxing sports.

In the early stages, it is very important to provide the body with folic acid and iodine. The amount of these substances affects not only the correct formation of the fetus, but also the risk of miscarriage.

First trimester toxicosis is a very common occurrence. However, persistent vomiting for several days is a cause for concern. This could be a sign of anemia or poisoning. Also, you can not close your eyes to pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding, no matter how meager they are. If you have any of these symptoms, be sure to see a doctor.

Second trimester

Starting from the second trimester, physical exercises for stretching, relaxation and breathing are recommended for the expectant mother. It will not be superfluous to enroll in a school for mothers, where experienced teachers will teach you correct breathing during childbirth, prepare you physically and mentally.

During pregnancy, most women experience increased sweating. Try to wear cotton underwear to avoid the greenhouse effect. The growth of a baby is a reason to update your wardrobe. Choose loose fitting, natural fabrics that don't put pressure on your belly. If you need trousers, skirts or jeans, pay attention to models for pregnant women, they are equipped with a special elastic insert.

Third trimester

The body is slowly beginning to prepare for future childbirth. This means that sometimes you can feel weak contractions, which are called training contractions. Do not be afraid of them. Also, do not worry about the frequent urge to urinate, they arise due to the increased pressure from the uterus.

Wearing a special bandage can relieve stress on the muscles of the back and lower back. Keep in mind that you can only wear it if the baby is in the correct position: head down.

A frequent companion of the third trimester is thrush. Changes in the microflora of the vagina serve as a favorable environment for the growth of the fungus. If you experience burning, itching, or white discharge, see your doctor for medication. Alarming symptoms also include increased blood pressure, frequent and severe edema, and the appearance of protein in the urine. These are manifestations of gestosis. In case of their occurrence, the expectant mother needs urgent medical attention.
