From early childhood, parents try to teach their child to dress independently, eat, use a potty, and lace up shoes. Often this learning is associated with a certain hassle and childish tears. Is it really that important? After all, every normal person, sooner or later, will learn these elementary things. When teaching a child to physical independence, do not forget about the independence of the intellectual and strong-willed. Teach your son or daughter to make meaningful choices.

Step 1
Teaching children to make their own choice is much more important than a spoon or a pot.
Even if your child is still very young, do not decide everything for him. Give him the freedom to choose. When going for a walk with your baby, ask where he wants to walk: on a slide or in a sandbox? What kind of blouse should he wear: red or green? What does he want to eat for dinner: casserole or cottage cheese? Then the child will not be childish, he will learn to make decisions, he will get used to thinking and acting on his own.
Step 2
Entrust your child with small tasks in accordance with his age and capabilities. For example: help to get and arrange purchases from the bag, put things in the washing machine. And be sure to praise and encourage him, even if he is still not doing well. The kid will feel that you appreciate his help and will want to try again.
Step 3
Encourage your child to develop their own experiences. The kid dismantles a new car for parts, not because he wants to break it, but because he wants to know how it works. Let your child take risks. Of course, within reasonable limits.
Try to use the phrases less often: “Give it up! Break it down! Get dirty! Do not run! Do not jump!"
Step 4
Trust the grown up kid with regular, small, but important tasks. For example, let him feed the fish daily, water the flowers, pour water into the dog or cat. Of course, at first you will have to control the baby, otherwise the flowers will dry out and the fish may die. Remind him if he forgets. And, again, do not forget to praise him yourself, tell the guests what kind of helper is growing with you, thanks to whom such beautiful flowers bloomed on your windowsill.
Step 5
The main thing is to be a positive example yourself. After all, the child forms himself in your image and likeness. If you are independent, purposeful and optimistic, your son or daughter will surely learn positive lessons from your illustrative example.