Every parent at some point begins to think about how to develop and where to begin to develop a child's sense of independence. It is simply necessary for every child in our life. If you have not thought about it, then by all means think about it. It's so good when your baby can already help with the housework and fulfill any of your requests.

Step 1
Of course, you should start with trust in your child. Do not scold, let alone punish, if he did something that is not very good in your opinion. He's still a child. The most important thing is that he tried and did.
Step 2
Give him, for a start, tasks that are not so difficult and difficult to accomplish for his age. Train yourself to self-solve problems. Ask as often as possible about where he wants to go, what he will wear, with whom he wants to walk. Do not be afraid, this will only help your child to solve problems and come to an independent problem solving. He will understand that you care what he thinks. Consider his opinion.
Step 3
You can also give him another task, such as washing the dishes, nailing down, or cleaning the floors. But just do not interfere in this process, the child must wash the dishes himself, and it does not matter whether he washed it well or not. The main thing is that you washed, and if you are not satisfied with the result, then praise the baby, and while he does not see, wash the plates. It is important that he does not think that you are flattering him.
Step 4
After the completed assignment that you gave him, do not forget to praise him, because children need your love, care and affection. You will soon notice how your child will become more independent. You will be surprised at your joint efforts and very happy. If he does not want to wash the dishes or do something, then do not force him, this will only aggravate the situation, and the baby will not enjoy helping you.