By nature, children are active. It's common for kids to try what adults do. Often parents by their behavior themselves muffle this natural activity of children and are surprised at their lack of independence afterwards. The first desire is to tell the child: "Let me, myself, you just pour water on the floor." And then the child does not want to wash the dishes at all.

Step 1
Of course, when a child learns a new action, at first he makes many mistakes. But what is more important is not the result in itself, but the learning process, which must be organized correctly. Decide for yourself what is more important at the moment: clean dishes or teaching the child this action.
Step 2
Not every action a child can really perform completely independently. If it is difficult for him, and he asks you, help. It is imperative to help. But only in those moments that the child really cannot cope with. Do not take on what he himself can do, even if not quite right or neatly.
Step 3
As the child masters the action, reduce the share of your participation; gradually your help should be less and less. This will require your observation and caution. First, you must not shift the responsibility to the child too early. In this case, he simply will not cope and will be upset. As a result, the child may refuse to perform this action. Secondly, your too long and persistent help is also dangerous: this is a direct way to stifle the child's independence.
Step 4
No need to tell your child: "Let me, I will do better and faster." Better say, "Come on together."
Step 5
Be sure to congratulate the child on success, even if it is not a successful result, but some intermediate steps. There is no need to concentrate on failures and mistakes.
Step 6
Your time with your child should be positively colored. Enjoy your communication. Then the mastering of a new complex skill for the child will be much more fun and easier.