Each mother, carrying a child under her heart, imagines what it will be like when it is born: beautiful, intelligent, kind. But some time after the birth of the baby, it turns out that the second and third points will have to be worked on.

Do not bring up a child, he will still be like you. Educate yourself
Personal example should be the basis for raising a child. Children always copy the behavior of their parents in everything, so you must be very careful in your words and actions.
The first lesson in kindness and compassion should be careful handling of toys and pets. If you see that a soft toy has fallen, be sure to pick it up right away and have mercy. Invite your baby to feel sorry for her in the same way. Do not throw, wrinkle, or stuff toys into an overfilled container with a child. If you still need to hide the toy, tell on behalf of the toy itself that she really, really wants to get into this container and sleep off. Always remember that a child animates all toys and should not be abused.
Never scold or offend pets in front of a child, even if they are guilty. Accept the child's help in caring for pets, teach them gentle handling, do not let the animals hurt, even if it seems funny to you or the animal suffers. Talking to the children on behalf of the animal will help the children better understand their motivations and learn to empathize with them. The same applies to insects. Walking past the trail laid by ants, carefully step over it, drawing the child's attention to this. Even if you need to kill a mosquito or a spider, try not to do it with a child. Remember the very wise words of Brad Millar: “Teach your child not to step on the caterpillars. This is as important for the child as it is for the caterpillar."
Help others
It will be very useful for the child to go with you to a nursing home or orphanage with help. The need for people in these institutions is not so much for material benefits as for live communication, so that such visits will be mutually beneficial and not burdensome even for a modest family budget. Even if you are not sure that you can get access to these establishments, you always have the opportunity with your child to collect his toys, things and books to help children from poor children. Finding them is not difficult: seek advice from your nearest church or the city's forum. Explain to your child that things are needed by children who have nothing, perhaps even parents.
Read fairy tales
Fairy tales are a very important educational tool. Choose carefully the stories in which the characters are kind and merciful. When reading fairy tales in which the hero exhibits traits that you would not want to see in your child, comment that the hero of the fairy tale was wrong. Equally important is the choice of cartoons that do not carry negative behaviors, but give your children lessons in kindness and compassion. For this, it is much more convenient to restrict the child's access to television channels by providing his / her attention with his own selection of cartoons.
Get acquainted with the methods of raising personal fairy tales. Its essence lies in composing and reading fairy tales about the child himself, in which he shows the traits you need, getting out of situations in which he is experiencing difficulties in life. A lot of useful information on this topic can be found in the works of Shalva Amonashvili, an outstanding teacher of our time.