There are situations and relationships when it is impossible to accurately determine your own feelings. Their diversity and contradictions cause irritation and concern. But the worst thing is that because of long doubts you can lose a really dear person.

If you cannot define your feelings towards a young man, try to break up with him for a while. The best way to do this is to go on a trip. Perhaps for a long separation, you will understand how much you miss him. Or, on the contrary, you will feel that you absolutely do not need it.
Another option is to live together. This will show if you are ready for a more serious relationship and how much you fit together. After all, it's one thing to meet from time to time in a romantic setting, and it's quite another to live in one room, solve everyday and pressing issues, see each other in a bad and depressed mood.
Think about whether you are ready to give your child such a father. If you are tormented by even the slightest doubts or there are some "buts", you should not continue to build a serious relationship, since this issue is fundamental in love and marriage.
Get to know the person better. Perhaps the inconsistency of your feelings comes from the fact that you know very little of him. Try to talk more, ask him about his dreams and aspirations, find out about the problems that he solves, his interests and hobbies. Maybe this will help you make your choice.
Do not hesitate to ask him for help in difficult situations, because it is at such moments that a person's soul and his feelings are revealed. No matter how wonderful and affectionate he was at meetings, everything can change in difficult times - not everyone is capable of self-sacrifice or infringement of their interests for the sake of others.
Not knowing what to do in any situation, try to consider it from a variety of sides, and not only from the one that is closer and more convenient to you. In any case, taking risks and trying is always better than doing nothing and missing out on all the chances given by fate.