Arabic roots underlie Muslim, Turkic, Tatar, Persian and Iranian names. They are usually formed from a long chain of names. Each name has its own unique meaning and beautiful pronunciation. Most of the Arabic names are closely associated with the Islamic faith.

Step 1
The main components found in names with Arabic roots: "alam" - the first name at birth; "Nasab" - the name of the father (corresponds to the Russian patronymic); "Lasab" - a title or nickname (reflects personal qualities or appearance, social status); "Nisba" is the name of the country or place of birth.
Step 2
The name of the profession, job title, or the name of a religious school can also be part of a person's name. Male names are more difficult than female names because they have nicknames and titles. Now Arabic names have become popular in other countries and continents. Some have gone international.
Step 3
Amin (Arabic-Ossetian). Translated as "reliable, honest." The name is derived from the female - Amina. Amina was the mother of the Prophet Muhammad.
Step 4
Marat (Tatar). Means "desired". The name became widely used after the French Revolution in the USSR, led by Jean-Paul Marat. Usually the name was used by the Tatars, but after the revolution it became international.
Step 5
Rustam (Persian). Translated as "giant". The first mention of the name was in the epic "The Book of Kings", written in Persian. Over time, the original names Rustem, Rustan appeared. The Slavs sounded like Ruslan, the Turkic - Arslan.
Step 6
Timur (Persian-Turkic). The name is a simplified abbreviation for Tamerlane. From Mongolian "iron". A variant of the name - Damir, formed from "dal" and "world". Initially from him, the female name Damira "strong", common among the Tatar and Bashkir people.
Step 7
Zara (Muslim). Literally translated as "dawn, morning dawn." According to one version, it has German roots with a pronunciation like the name Sarah. It is part of the male names Nazar, Velizar, Lazar. The name is widespread among Muslim peoples, but the appeal is more often used in the form of Zarina, Zafira and others.
Step 8
Lilia (Tatar-Armenian). The name is common among the Turkic and Tatar peoples. Also used as Leila, Liliana. The origin of the name is associated with the name of the flower of the same name. The first biblical woman was named Lilith, which is interpreted as "nocturnal."
Step 9
Sabrina (Muslim). Derived from the name of the river in the UK. According to one of the legends, Princess Sabrina, because of unhappy love, drowned in the waters of the river, gave her a name. On behalf of the formed - Rina, Zabrina, Binet.
Step 10
Tina (Arabic-Georgian). It is translated from Arabic as "fig". Fig leaves were used to cure diseases, from which Tina means "healthy".
Step 11
Shakira (Tatar). Literally translated from Arabic as "thankful". The name is derived from the masculine - Shakir. The diminutive name Cyrus became a separate name.