Unfortunately, unrelenting statistics tell us that about 70% of married couples get divorced in the first two years of marriage. It doesn't matter how long your family relationship is. These numbers are given only for you to understand - you are far from alone in your trouble. It just so happens that you and your husband divorced. It does not matter why it happened, the only important thing is that you cannot come to terms with this fact and forget everything, and this greatly interferes with life. If you find yourself in such a situation, then perhaps some of the tips in this article will help you.

Step 1
The first thing you need to get rid of is guilt. Divorce can occur both on the initiative of the husband and on the initiative of the wife, and sometimes it happens by mutual decision. But, be that as it may, still both of you will experience a strong sense of guilt. After all, how is it that you created a family and could not keep it … Yes, anyone in your place would feel guilty. And if you have children, then you will also feel guilty in front of them. After all, you did not want children to have to choose and grow up in an incomplete family.
But you must understand that you are not the only one to blame. In addition, the feeling of guilt will only spoil the situation even more, will not allow you to move on and build a new life. Therefore, you need to realize this and get rid of the feeling of guilt.
Step 2
The second thing you must start fighting with is anger. You will definitely be angry with your ex-husband. This is normal - a person by nature tries not to take responsibility for what happened and shift it to the other side. But understand that you cannot blame him for all the mistakes. If it comes to divorce, then both parties are certainly to blame. Except, of course, completely wild cases when husbands turn out to be just very dishonest people. But in this case, realize that anger and hatred will not solve the problem, but will only further irritate your soul. Learn to forgive - and living after a divorce will become much easier.
Step 3
If you are having a hard time divorce, then try to stop evaluating what is happening. Don't divide the world into good and bad. Your divorce is neither bad nor good, it's just a given. Deal with her.
Step 4
To distract yourself from sad thoughts, take care of yourself. Transform, become beautiful. Change your image, style, change your hair color, sign up for a dance. Just do it not in order to prove to your husband what a wonderful woman he has lost, but simply for yourself. Have fun with yourself - and the world will seem beautiful to you.
Step 5
Stop thinking about the past. What happened cannot be changed. Try to leave some warm moments in your heart, try to forget the bad ones, and move on with your life. You will definitely be happy. It can not be in any other way.
Happiness to you!