When a beloved girl appears in a guy's life, thoughts begin to visit him about what will happen if she ever leaves. However, you should not think about how you will live without her, but about how to make sure that you stay together forever.

How to understand that a girl should always be with you
Men have different ideas about the female ideal, but there are still general criteria. Guys are very selfish by nature, therefore, first of all, they are not worried about beauty, but the girl's mind and her ability to take care of her lover. if your girlfriend constantly surrounds you with attention and care, cooks deliciously, is interested in your affairs and problems, constantly offers you her help, she probably has very deep and tender feelings for you.
Plus, your ideal spouse will be faithful to you and believe your every word. She will not forbid you to communicate with friends, she will not constantly bother you with calls asking you to drop everything and come to her, she will not start checking your phone and look for some kind of confirmation of betrayal or deception.
How to keep your beloved girl next to you forever
If you realized that you want to leave your ideal beloved by your side forever, you yourself must become her ideal.
The representative of the stronger sex should not be a rag and henpecked, yes, it is necessary to fulfill her little feminine whims, but at the same time you must remain firm and have your own point of view about certain things. You should not agree with your beloved in everything, as this can quickly get bored with her. Your significant other should understand that you trust her and allow you to do what she wants, but this behavior of yours is solely the result of faith in her, and not your weak character.
Never deceive your beloved and do not give her a reason for jealousy. She must trust you, otherwise quarrels and reservations will appear in the relationship, which will destroy your love and erase trust.
The fairer sex needs attention, care and emotions. You don't have to spend the evening at home watching TV all the time. Invite your beloved out on dates, give her gifts, and remember to constantly talk about your feelings and the emotions she evokes in you. Daily banal declarations of love will not be enough. Try to be more original and considerate.
Show your significant other that she is the one you want to spend your entire life with. She must understand that in the future you are planning to start a family and have children.
Avoid quarrels and conflicts that can disrupt your idyll. Solve all questions peacefully.