It can be very upsetting when the man of your dreams is already dating someone. But not all is lost, because you can try to quarrel a guy with a girl, and then take him away. This will take a lot of effort, but sometimes it's worth it.

First, you need to find out everything about your opponent. It is necessary to find out her merits and demerits, what she likes, dislikes, what her habits. Pay special attention to her weaknesses so that if possible, use this information against her. If you do not have any common acquaintances, you can find out information through social networks or simply by observing the object.
We enter into trust
You need to find out the preferences of the guy, what he likes about girls. Then try to make your appearance and behavior similar to his ideal. Don't go too far, don't stop being yourself. A completely fake person will not be able to interest for a long time, sooner or later the deception will be revealed and you will lose it.
Spend time with your boyfriend more often, try to be alone. But do not show an outright dislike for his girlfriend, because it can embarrass you. At first, you need to show your best side - a cheerful, sweet, understanding girl who shares his interests.
Start doing something together. If the guy likes to run in the evenings, offer to keep him company. You can ask him to teach you his hobby if, for example, you do not know how to roller skate, but he can perfectly.
Conquering the guy
When you feel that a warm and trusting relationship has been established between you, you can move on to the second part of the plan - to quarrel the guy with the girl forever.
Use its flaws, but wisely. No need to go ahead and say that he doesn't need a girl with a big nose or crooked legs. Take advantage of her character flaws. For example, if she likes to go to clubs without him, put the idea in the young man's head that she can cheat on him. Or if she loves to go shopping, joke that you don't make as much in a month as she spends in a day. Give your guy food for thought so he doubts his girlfriend.
At this time, you will be next to him - a girl who suits him perfectly. You have common interests, you spend a lot of time together, he feels easy and at ease with you. Now you can start seducing him.
Dress in a way that emphasizes your femininity. Use some makeup and perfume. Touch him more often, collide with your hands when walking, laugh at his jokes, look into his eyes longer than usual.
Try to capture all of his time so that he doesn't have time for the girl. Invite to concerts of your favorite band, to the cinema for new releases, outings for a run or other of your common interest. Make an appointment in advance so that to any offer of his girlfriend he would answer “I have already promised to go elsewhere”. And over time, they will part, and you will take her place.