Physical pain can be long-term if not treated properly. The danger of such pain is that it can become chronic and accompany a person throughout his life. Mental pain can also give a person torment for a long time.

Physical pain that lasts
When the disease becomes chronic, the feeling of pain becomes permanent. Such pain torments a person for a long time, without stopping. Chronic pain can occur as a result of injuries, burns, past illnesses, surgery. The most common are: chronic pain in the lower back, back, limbs, abdomen, head, neck, spine.
There are several treatments for chronic pain. Chronic pain requires medication (analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants) and medical supervision. Some drugs are injected into the body of a patient suffering from chronic pain. Pain is also treated with suppositories and warming ointments.
Chronic pain occurs as a result of acute pain that was not treated in time. Therefore, it is important to prevent infectious diseases, to avoid overwork, overstrain and stress. When pain occurs, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time so that he can establish its cause and prescribe treatment. It is dangerous to leave the pain untreated, endure or try to drown out painkillers.
Undeniably, pain is anguish and suffering. In addition to physical pain, which can last for a long time, mental pain can also exhaust a person for a long period. In particular, a subconscious form of mental pain is common, which is latent. A person feels anxiety, a feeling of emptiness, loneliness, but cannot find an explanation for his condition. This circumstance is connected with the fact that the true causes of experiences and pain are not realized, are not comprehended by consciousness, since they are driven into the subconscious by a person.
A person experiences mental pain as a result of a psychological trauma, a tragic event: the death of a loved one, divorce and others. Such pain is dangerous because it negatively affects the work of internal organs and systems (breathing, blood circulation), and also leads to disorders of the human psyche.
A specialist doctor, such as a psychologist or psychotherapist, can help heal from the mental pain that leads to psychosomatic disorders. He will help restore psychological health, find out the cause of a person's mental anguish and prescribe appropriate treatment. It should be remembered that pain that is not being treated will not go away on its own. Self-administration of painkillers, sleeping pills and sedatives is dangerous.