Not every man willingly remarries. After a divorce and going through all the legal delays, they are very pragmatic about the fact of registration of relations in the registry office. To marry a divorced woman sometimes has to make an effort.

Step 1
First of all, tactfully find out the reasons for the divorce. Whatever circumstances become the basis for breaking up your man's previous relationship, both parties are to blame. Therefore, it will not be superfluous for you to be aware of these circumstances, so as not to repeat the mistakes of your ex-wife. Most of all, with the prospect of remarriage, men are afraid to "step on the same rake."
Step 2
Quite often, men who have lived a family life, and then plunged into a bachelor life again, are burdened by their freedom. They have to do housework, cook their own food and buy clothes. If this is your case, subtly demonstrate the delights of family life. Prepare delicious food, help him with the housework, in a word, do everything to emphasize all the benefits of living with you. But do not overdo it, he must clearly understand that he will receive it only after official registration. Otherwise, everything will suit him, and the desire for remarriage will not arise for a long time.
Step 3
Introduce him to your parents and talk to families more often. When he becomes a friend of your family, learns your family traditions, he may want to become a full member of the family. Future father-in-law and mother-in-law can also influence his final decision.
Step 4
Treat his former family life with respect. Never criticize your ex-wife or her relatives. If he has children from previous marriages, be prepared for the fact that he will devote part of his time and funds to them. Treat this with understanding and encourage communication with children, so you will earn the respect of your chosen one.
Step 5
When he feels that he is comfortable and reliable with you, he himself can offer you an official marriage registration. If something is holding him back from such a step, try to find out the reasons as unobtrusively as possible. They can be quite simple and may require a little effort to fix them.
Step 6
If there are no obvious reasons, justify your desire to formalize the relationship in order to create comfortable conditions for future children. Here you can also play up the situation of hurt pride: you must admit that adopting your own child is rather strange, because you can marry your future mother even before his birth.
Step 7
And most importantly, remember - to marry a divorced man is only one tenth of success. Everything else depends on your joint efforts to preserve and strengthen family relationships.