Fireworks of soap bubbles floating in the air and shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow will impress neither children nor adults. You can make a solution to create this miracle yourself. When using this method of preparation, the bubbles are persistent and durable, their size can exceed 1 meter in diameter.

- Boiled or distilled water - 0.8 l;
- Gelatin - 50 g;
- Sugar - 50 g;
- Dishwashing liquid - 0.2 l;
- Glycerin - 0.1 l.
Step 1
The gelatin must be combined with a small amount of water and left until it swells. Strain the resulting composition, pour out the excess liquid.
Step 2
Then the gelatin, together with sugar, must be placed on a small fire and melted. In this case, you should not bring the composition to a boil.
Step 3
Next, you need to add water. It should not be from the tap, only boiled or distilled. Otherwise, bubbles will not work due to the presence of impurities in it.
Step 4
Stir the resulting solution while pouring in dishwashing liquid. Then add glycerin and gently stir all components again without foaming the composition. If excessive foam appears, remove it as it interferes with the blowing of bubbles. For this, the solution is placed in a cool place for settling.
Step 5
When the foam is gone, the liquid is ready to bubble. This can be done in various ways. For example, through a cut-off plastic bottle. The larger the container, the larger the diameter of the bubbles.
Step 6
A giant size can be obtained by forming bubbles with a gymnastic hoop, pulling them out of a container with a soapy solution (for example, from a basin).