For a long time, there was no tradition of referring to professional psychologists in Russia. As a rule, people tried to complain about their problems to family and friends. The situation has changed in recent years, and Russians are increasingly turning to professionals for help. But finding a good psychologist is not always easy.

What qualities are needed for a psychologist
Before turning to a psychologist for help, you need to find out for yourself what professional qualities he should have.
First of all, communication with him should be comfortable. If communication with a specific psychologist causes discomfort for reasons, you should look for another specialist. This does not mean at all that this psychologist is bad, it just may not be suitable for a specific client.
Already after the first meeting with a real psychologist, there should be an impression that positive changes have been outlined in life, optimism has entered the soul, a desire to work and change the situation for the better has appeared. A good psychologist should motivate a person to take action and help him find a way out of a difficult life situation.
A good psychologist never prescribes medication on his own. As a rule, he does not have a medical education, and he simply does not have the right to do this. If the psychologist understands that his client needs medical help and medication, he will refer him to a neurologist or psychiatrist.
Of course, a psychologist must have a higher professional education. This is a specific profession that requires special knowledge.
A really good psychologist will not promise to solve all problems in a certain number of sessions. He can only guess how long it may take to get out of a stressful situation.
Before starting work, the psychologist himself should start a conversation with the client about payment, since it is necessary to choose an option that would suit both parties. Also, the psychologist should remind the client about the time if he lost his account.
Is a good psychologist a friend or a professional?
A good psychologist always keeps his distance in communication with a client, letting him know that work and friendship are fundamentally different things. At the end of the work, he will either put an end to communication with the client, or offer to discuss his further conditions, emphasizing that there is no need for this. Of course, the psychologist can make friends with the client in the future, but at least it is necessary to take a pause. For about six months after completing work with the client, he will not keep in touch with him.
Not every psychologist who actively offers his services is a real professional. However, guided by the proposed criteria, you can always choose exactly that specialist who can really help in solving the problems that have arisen.