This man is gallantry itself, well-groomed, well-mannered and good in all respects. But after a while, he begins to use his charm and take you to expensive restaurants, make luxurious gifts and give unforgettable trips … for your money.

Step 1
Women with high incomes do not always have appropriate family harmony, because business takes up almost all of their time. In men of this type, they find everything: tenderness, passion, temperamental sex. He is always there and will never refuse in his company. Still, after all, all the financial expenses of the women, smothered by his charms, take upon themselves. The most interesting thing is that the ladies are well aware that they are being fooled, but both have no obligations, and the relationship is built on consumer principles.
Step 2
As a rule, gigolos do not give themselves away immediately. They like to slander various fables about their previous patroness, and present themselves exclusively as a victim of their provocations. Compassionate female nature does not pass by such sentimental stories. Ladies want to take pity on the man and shelter him under their warm and cozy wing, because there is no one to caress the woman herself either. While the gigolos are rubbing themselves into trust, it is not difficult for them after a while to get to know the woman's income better. By the way, they condescendingly keep silent about their earnings, hiding behind, for example, the fact that the previous "love" pulled all the money out of him, and after parting and completely left him "without pants."
Step 3
If you see the features of a gigolo in your man, think about whether you like being in a similar position. You can stop using his services (it is difficult to call this connection in another way) in the same way as ending a relationship with any other man. Do not under any circumstances say: "We disagree because you are a gigolo." Say that you are not suitable for each other, you have too different characters or outlook on life. As a rule, male gigolos are sobering instantly. They will quickly realize that "there is nothing to catch here," and will go in search of a more accommodating and wealthy person.
Step 4
You may not like the current situation, but are afraid of hurting him. Keep in mind that he certainly will not experience the agony of suffering when you suddenly run out of money. Rest assured, this was the case with the other women they "courted". When a woman does not smell of finances, the gigolo, like a genie, magically evaporates in the air, leaving a subtle scent of an expensive perfume bought with your funds.