How To Help A Loved One Stop Drinking

How To Help A Loved One Stop Drinking
How To Help A Loved One Stop Drinking

Alcohol dependence of a loved one can be a real grief for the whole family. To get rid of this misfortune, you need to help the individual to cope with his addiction. It is in your power to contribute to his rehabilitation and return a person from the swamp of drunkenness to a rich, interesting life.

Alcohol can ruin life
Alcohol can ruin life

Be tactful

Remember that, despite their addictions, a person should not tolerate your reproaches and humiliation. Be tactful and don't hurt the individual's self-esteem. Remember that addiction is a disease, and sometimes a person gets into trouble without realizing what he is doing. Your task is not to condemn him, not to scold or scold him, but to show that you are ready to help.

Chat with a loved one in a relaxed environment. Listen to him and try to understand his position. Let the person know that you are worried about their life and offer help. Try to understand what exactly alcohol gives him, and determine how ready the person is for treatment.

Remember that there is no point in talking to an alcohol addict while intoxicated. Morning, when he suffers from a hangover syndrome, is also not the best option. Pick a time when he doesn't drink and talk to the person sober.

Correct behavior

When you have an alcohol addict in your family, you need to negate all temptations, at least in your home. Give up violent feasts, replace the feast with tea. Support and encourage the person who is struggling with their trouble. But it is not worth reproaching him for misconduct and mistakes. Believe me, at such moments, the individual is much worse off than you, and he only needs comfort.

Try to convince a loved one of the need for treatment. Pay attention to health, job, social and money problems. Do this tactfully and describe how an individual's life without alcohol might be. The addict must believe in the possibility of a better future and in the fact that he will always have support in your face.

However, support should be provided in moderation. When there is a person nearby who solves all the problems caused by an addiction to alcohol, the drunkard will not soon think about the need to change. Don't babysit for the individual. If while intoxicated he lost documents or quarreled with friends, caused damage to property or health, lost his job or the respect of good friends, let him clean up the result himself. Understand that this will only benefit the alcoholic.


If the person suffers from alcoholism but refuses to see a drug therapist, you may be able to convince them to see a psychologist or an addiction support society. Explain that this support is essential.

Remember, the fight against alcohol addiction is about avoiding alcohol altogether. If your loved one hopes that he will be able to drink in moderation or rarely and remain a normal member of society, dissuade him. Since dependence has already shown itself, it means that the only way for an individual to improve his life is to show prudence and never repeat past mistakes.
