Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory system in which the lining of the bronchi becomes inflamed. The disease manifests itself in the form of a severe cough. Bronchitis is especially dangerous in childhood, as it can result in serious complications.

Causes of bronchitis in children
Most often, bronchitis in childhood occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infections under the influence of viruses that enter the respiratory system and settle on the inner surface of the bronchi. Contact with another child or an adult with a cold is enough to get bronchitis. In addition, the disease develops under the influence of the following factors:
- hypothermia;
- a previous illness with bronchitis;
- severe nasal congestion;
- inflammation of the adenoids;
- sinusitis, pharyngitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx.
In some cases, bronchitis can develop due to an allergic reaction to certain substances in the air, including dust. In addition, lowered immunity, often observed in children under 12-14 years of age, contributes to the appearance of bronchitis. Any untimely treatment of viral diseases can lead to the fixation of pathogens in the bronchi and inflammation of the latter.
Bronchitis symptoms
The most common and noticeable symptoms of bronchitis in children are as follows:
- fever and fever;
- shortness of breath, accompanied by wheezing;
- severe cough, often with profuse sputum discharge;
- lack of appetite;
- weakness and drowsiness.
These symptoms refer to a form of the disease such as viral bronchitis. In rare cases, the disease is of bacterial origin, and in addition to the above symptoms, it is accompanied by intoxication (headache, nausea and vomiting), extremely difficult breathing, and a state of depression. At the slightest suspicion of bacterial bronchitis, the child must be hospitalized immediately. Any form of the disease is diagnosed quickly: listening to the chest and taking a clinical blood test (if necessary) is enough.
Obstructive bronchitis in children
The most severe form of bronchitis is obstructive. Most often, it occurs in children under 3-5 years old against the background of viral infections or due to a strong allergic reaction to one or another irritant. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:
- hoarse breathing (often whistling);
- paroxysmal, debilitating cough, sometimes accompanied by vomiting;
- swelling of the chest when breathing;
- retraction of the intercostal spaces during inhalation.
The temperature in obstructive bronchitis does not rise, and attacks usually begin suddenly, for example, as an allergic reaction to a strong irritant. This can be bed linen, a pair of paints and varnishes (if the house is being renovated), pet hair, etc. It is possible to recognize the beginning bronchitis by the increased breathing rate of the child and the appearance of shortness of breath. The further development of the disease resembles bronchial asthma.
The child has difficulty taking breaths, each of which is accompanied by strong wheezing or whistling. His ribcage swells, and his ribs become almost horizontal. There is a violent cough that does not bring relief and gets worse at night. If you do not recognize the onset of an attack on time, oxygen starvation may begin, in which the patient gradually falls into a coma, and this condition is often fatal. It is necessary to move the child to a safe place as soon as possible (preferably to fresh air) and call an ambulance.
What is the danger of bronchitis in children and the prevention of the disease
This disease significantly impairs the patency of the airways, due to which ventilation of the lungs is impaired. Insufficient oxygen supply to the body leads to anemia, and also weakens all tissues and organs. There are prerequisites for the development of pneumonia - pneumonia. The cause of the disease is that poor ventilation of the lungs contributes to the deposition of pathogenic bacteria and viruses on their inner surface, which begin to multiply intensively. This causes an extensive inflammatory process.
Bronchitis is especially dangerous at an early age - up to 6-7 years. The disease is difficult to treat even in adults, and in children, the respiratory system is completely poorly developed, and the general immunity is not yet sufficiently strengthened. In this regard, the bronchi are quickly clogged with clots of sputum, however, the child does not yet have enough strength for its full coughing. In addition, there are no truly effective drugs for bronchitis suitable for children, and the disease often has to be treated exclusively by procedural methods. This does not give the desired results immediately. Thus, it is better to prevent the onset of the disease than to treat a child in a weakened state.
Measures for the prevention of bronchitis and other viral diseases include the gradual hardening of the child's body, which includes walks in the fresh air with a gradual increase in their time, contrasting water procedures and rubbing. It is important to strengthen the immune system with vitamins, as well as proper nutrition. In addition, the child should lead an active lifestyle and, if possible, improve the respiratory system by doing outdoor sports. His sleeping place should be in a clean and periodically ventilated area.
Treatment of bronchitis in children
Antibiotics are not used to treat the disease, since in most cases it is of viral origin. As for antiviral drugs, they only suppress viral activity, but completely cure bronchitis. Therefore, a full-fledged treatment must necessarily include special procedures carried out taking into account the instructions of the pediatrician:
- Give your child plenty of warm drinks. It thins the blood, normalizes the functioning of various organs and systems of the body, helps to better remove mucus from the bronchi. Decoctions of chamomile, thyme, sage and other anti-inflammatory herbs help well.
- Use antipyretics. If the child's temperature rises rapidly, passing the 38 ° C mark, give him an antipyretic agent.
- Keep your child's room cool and humid. The dry and hot air encourages mucus to build up in the airways, which quickly forms dangerous clots. Best of all, when the air humidity is 65-70%, and its temperature does not exceed 21 ° C.
- Keep your inhalers ready. These are special preparations based on herbs and safe sedatives that can be purchased at the pharmacy. They make it easier for the baby to breathe and stop severe coughing. In addition, they are able to help out in the event of obstructive bronchitis: providing the child with a stable oxygen supply, you will have time to call a doctor.
- Treat the underlying cold, if it is the primary cause of bronchitis. The appropriate medication will be prescribed by your doctor. Mucolytic drugs in the form of lozenges or syrups become one of the main agents in the fight against inflamed airways. Also, children are prescribed immunomodulators that strengthen the body and help in the fight against viral diseases.
- Make sure your child is not allergic to certain irritants. This can be found out by visiting an allergist or simply observing the condition of a small patient in certain situations. There are quite a few anti-allergy medications available that will give your baby a stable breathing without a suffocating cough.