Obstructive bronchitis is a fairly common disease in children. Obstruction means a spasm in which phlegm cannot escape and accumulates in the bronchi. How to recognize an obstruction, quickly cure such bronchitis and prevent complications and the spread of infection in the body?

Step 1
The main symptom of obstructive bronchitis is, first of all, cough. At first it is dry, and then it can turn into productive with an abundant amount of sputum. Often the child cannot cough up phlegm normally, coughing causes seizures.
Step 2
In an acute condition of bronchitis, which has arisen against the background of complications of acute respiratory infections or influenza, one cannot do without taking antibacterial agents. Moreover, it is advisable to take a sputum culture to determine sensitivity to antibiotics, and only then prescribe this or that drug.
Step 3
Since the child has wheezing "wandering", it is necessary to help him thin the phlegm in order to more easily remove it from the bronchi. For this, various coughing drugs are used. Inhalation copes with this task perfectly with the help of special nebulizer inhalers, which deliver medicines directly to the bronchi (do not confuse with inhalations with soda, potatoes, etc. "over a saucepan" or a kettle). You can do inhalations with Ambrobene - 1 ml and saline solution - 1 ml, or Vintolin 1 ml and saline solution - 1 ml.
Step 4
It is also important not to forget about the nasopharynx. It is necessary to drip saline or self-prepared saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of boiled water) into the child's nose to moisturize the respiratory tract and flush out the infection.
Step 5
If the baby has a fever, bed rest should be observed. An abundant drink is shown: tea, fruit drink … If the temperature "exceeded" 38 degrees, use antipyretic drugs, their choice for today is quite large (Nurofen, Panadol, children's paracetamol, etc.).
Step 6
You can make such a compress: 1 ampoule of calcium glucanate, 1 ampoule of no-spa, 1 ampoule of diphenhydramine, 1 ampoule of aminophylline, 1 spoon of Dimexide, 3 tablespoons of water. Mix, moisten the gauze and wrap the baby's chest with a warm compress, avoiding the heart area. Wrap the top with paper for compresses and a warm scarf. Keep the compress for 1-2 hours. Do 3-5 days.
Step 7
To remove the remnants of mucus, you can apply therapeutic massage, tapping on the back of the child.
Step 8
If there is a whistle during breathing, shortness of breath - see a doctor immediately!