It is possible to talk about chronic bronchitis in a child only if he is sick four or more times a year. It is possible to treat such a complex and dangerous disease with its consequences only under the supervision of a doctor. Before starting the treatment of bronchitis in young children, you need to find out the causes of this disease.

Causes of bronchitis in children
Bronchitis usually follows SARS, which include influenza and other viral diseases. The infection first affects the mucous membrane of the respiratory region, through these lesions a large number of pathogenic bacteria enter the body. In the absence of good treatment, the infection descends lower and lower, affecting first the throat and larynx, then the trachea and bronchi (including even the bronchioles). A similar disease can transform into a chronic form.
In addition to bacteria, bronchitis can provoke the inhalation of various harmful vapors (gasoline vapor, chlorine vapor, smoke and other irritating chemical compounds). In sensitive children, bronchitis can occur due to the inhalation of various kinds of allergens.
The susceptibility of children to this disease is also due to some physiological characteristics of the child's body. In children, the bronchi are shorter and wider, and it is much easier for infections to enter them.
One of the common causes of chronic bronchitis is dustiness and poor ventilation in rooms. Perhaps the so-called dust collectors are to blame: old mattresses, upholstered furniture, carpets, soft toys, etc. Therefore, the first step in the fight against chronic bronchitis will be to eliminate irritants.
Important in the treatment of bronchitis
It is necessary to achieve the most cool and humidified air in the child's room, while avoiding drafts (the temperature should not fall below 18-19 degrees). Wet cleaning, airing, using a humidifier, etc. should become regular. Instead of a humidifier, you can use ordinary wet towels hung on a radiator.
The second prerequisite is a large amount of drinking water (compotes from dried fruits are also suitable). Moisture in a child's body will help moisturize coughs. In this case, bronchitis will heal faster.
Correct treatment
At the first sign of a cold, it is important to start treatment on time and prevent the disease from developing into bronchitis. If sputum still gets into the bronchi, give the child a sputum-thinning syrup, special herbal preparations are also suitable. Black elderberry, heart-shaped linden, licorice, creeping thyme, marshmallow, St. John's wort, chamomile are especially effective in the fight against bronchitis. Limit the child's communication with sick people, control his time in the cold air, organize a half-bed rest for him.
If the child's temperature rises to 38.5 degrees, antipyretic drugs are prescribed, rubbing with a mixture of water and vinegar. Inhalation (soda, salt, herbs, essential oils) is also effective. For dry coughs, expectorants may be indicated. Antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor in severe cases (if a very high temperature does not drop within 3-4 days).