Frequent bowel movements in a child are a cause for concern for parents. But this does not mean that the baby's health is satisfactory. It happens that frequent emptying is caused by a number of reasons.

A breastfed baby will empty more often than a formula-fed baby. Why? In a baby who is on artificial feeding, the stool is thicker and denser, and in a toddler who feeds on breast milk, it is mushy and liquid.
Feces color
The color (yellow-brown and green) of feces can also be used to judge the health of the child. Moreover, both cases are considered the norm. The fact is that in the human gallbladder, two pigments are secreted that color the feces. They are called bilirubin and biliverdin. The former makes the faeces green and the latter turns yellow-brown. As you can see, everything is simple. So if your baby's stool is green, don't worry. Just for a short period only bilirubin can be released in the gallbladder.
Emptying frequency
Also, the frequency of emptying worries caring parents. In the first three months, the baby's gastrointestinal tract is still poorly adapted to food, which is also poorly absorbed. Therefore, if the crumb is emptied less often than its peers, this suggests that food is better absorbed in its stomach. If the baby goes to the toilet at least once every three days, this is considered normal. You do not need to give him laxatives, put enemas and do other manipulations, the purpose of which is to help the child to empty. In such ways, you can only aggravate the situation, causing addiction, which threatens that in the future the little one will not be able to go to the toilet on his own.
If a child empties with a liquid stream, the consistency of which is similar to water, you should immediately consult a doctor. This can lead to dehydration of the child's body. In this case, pear juice, rice broth, carrot soup, banana puree will help a lot.
General condition of the child
If the baby behaves as usual, is not capricious, eats with pleasure, sleeps, plays, then the parents have no reason to worry. If the baby begins to feel worse, to be capricious, you need to see a doctor. If the child has bloating, he jerks his legs, cries a lot, you need to use all possible methods to get rid of the gases accumulated in the intestines of the little one. Here tummy massage, a gas outlet tube, medicines, dill water, a heating pad, and plenty of drink will come to the rescue. In this case, you cannot feed the baby. You need to carry it on your hands in an upright position.