One of the indicators of human health is body temperature. In newborn babies, the thermoregulation mechanism is still imperfect. If the thermometer shows a slightly higher or lower temperature, parents begin to worry. You should know what temperature is normal for a newborn so as not to panic in vain.

A slightly increased value on the thermometer in the first days of a baby's life does not signal health problems. The temperature measured in the armpit is in the range of 37-37, 4 ° C. This is normal for the first week of life. In the second week, the numbers drop to 36-37 ° С. A stable temperature will be established in a few months or closer to a year. However, if a figure above 37 ° C often appears on the thermometer, it is better to consult a pediatrician. The results of measurements taken at different times of the day should be recorded by the mother in a notebook. This is how the average temperature can be calculated.
Methods and rules for measuring temperature
The temperature can be measured not only in the armpit. There is also a rectal and oral method. With the rectal method of measurement, the indicators will be in the range of 36, 9-, 37, 5 ° С, and with the oral method - 36, 6-37, 3 ° С. In the first 4-5 months of life, it is recommended to measure the temperature by the rectal method, later the child becomes very active and will not allow such a procedure to be carried out normally.
To measure temperature by the oral method, there are special thermometers in the form of pacifiers: they are absolutely safe for the baby. A mercury thermometer is used for measurements in the armpit, an electronic thermometer - rectally, in the groin. The child should have their own personal thermometer.
Body temperature fluctuates throughout the day. It is increased after feeding and crying. In view of this, it is best to take measurements between feedings when the baby is absolutely calm. Temperatures will be at their lowest at night and in the morning, and at their highest in the afternoon and evening.
When to Worry
An increased baby's body temperature can be a sign of an illness. This reaction can be caused by: infectious diseases, overheating of the body and vaccinations. Measures should be taken to reduce the temperature if the child is already two months old, there is no noticeable change in well-being, the limbs are warm to the touch and the number on the thermometer has reached 38.5 ° C. With the appearance of convulsions, pale skin, cold hands and feet, the temperature should be brought down as soon as it reaches 37.5 ° C. If the baby has diseases of the cardiovascular or central nervous system, it is worth lowering the temperature with an indicator of 38 ° C.
To reduce the temperature, physical methods are used first, and if they are ineffective, medication is used. You need to undress the child and wipe the skin with a wet cloth. The use of vodka and vinegar solution for children of such an early age is unacceptable. Rubbing is indicated only when the limbs are warm and the skin is pink. Antipyretic drugs should be used carefully, strictly observing the dosage, if possible, having consulted a doctor beforehand.