Kindergarten is not just a place where your child is looked after while you work. This is a very important page in his biography, a way to successfully socialize in the future, learn to count, read and write, draw and sing, work in a team and be friends. It is very important that the graduation ceremony in kindergarten is bright and memorable, because a large and important period in a child's life ends and an adult school life full of worries begins.

Step 1
The graduation ceremony in kindergarten is organized by the parents together with the teachers. The biggest burden falls on the head of the parent committee, the group leaders and the music teacher. They should jointly develop the script and prepare the official part in such a way that it suits everyone.
Step 2
Think over the design of the assembly hall. You can decorate it with balloons, as well as children's crafts. Do not overload the hall with decorations too much, however, everything should speak of the solemnity of the moment.
Step 3
You can choose a ready-made script on the Internet, write it yourself or order from an agency for organizing events. The main thing is that the entire official part lasts no more than an hour and a half, otherwise the children will get tired and start being capricious. The script can consist of several kindergarten songs, poems and small scenes. You can learn new numbers with the children in advance, or you can take the existing ones, which were put on during the year. The main thing is that every kid should show himself, say at least a few words, feel his involvement in an important event in his life.
Step 4
Organize an exhibition of the best creative works of children - it doesn't matter if it is drawings, appliques, plasticine or clay crafts. Each child and his parent will be happy to find their own craft and celebrate how much the kid has learned in kindergarten.
Step 5
At the end of the solemn part, as a rule, gifts are given to children. Every kindergarten graduate can't wait to sit down at the school desk, so you can give a beautiful and, most importantly, useful gift - a set of stationery, a pencil case or a knapsack.
Step 6
Gifts are deserved not only by children who have overcome an important milestone in their lives, but also by those who taught them a lot, cared for and protected them while you were busy - teachers, nannies, cooks and art directors. Take care of this in advance, even a small present expressing your attention will be pleasant and important to them.
Step 7
Organize a tea party after the event. You can distribute the culinary responsibilities among the parents, or you can order a cake or pie in the kindergarten cafeteria or cafe. It all depends on the financial situation of most of the parents. This needs to be discussed at the meeting and come to a common decision.
Step 8
A great addition would be a group photo for memory. It can be done by a parent with the help of a good camera or by a photographer from an atelier. You can also order and arrange a beautiful album.