What Foods Increase The Fat Content Of Breast Milk

What Foods Increase The Fat Content Of Breast Milk
What Foods Increase The Fat Content Of Breast Milk

The quality of breast milk depends on the nutrition of the breastfeeding mother, her lifestyle and several other factors. In order to increase its fat content, it is necessary to carefully consider the preparation of the daily menu and include in the diet foods that increase the nutritional value of milk.

What foods increase the fat content of breast milk
What foods increase the fat content of breast milk

When it is necessary to increase the fat content of milk

It is generally accepted that the reason for the insufficient weight gain of the baby is the low fat content of the mother's milk. Pediatricians claim that this may not be the only problem.

Breast milk is conventionally divided into front and back milk. When a baby begins to suckle, he first receives foremilk, which is less fatty. After it ends, the baby begins to receive hindmilk. It is important to give your baby only one breast during feeding so that he can empty it out completely, getting all the necessary nutrients.

If the mother feeds the child correctly, but the baby still does not eat enough, she should reconsider her daily diet. You may need to include certain foods on the menu.

If the composition of breast milk meets the standards, you should not get carried away with food that increases its calorie content. Excessively fatty milk is more difficult to digest. Its use can cause dysbiosis resulting from enzymatic deficiency.

What foods can increase the fat content of milk

Mother's milk is created with the participation of lymph and blood. Some people think that eating fatty foods in large quantities increases its fat content. This opinion is wrong. In fact, an excess of high-calorie foods in the diet will not help improve the composition of milk. The fat content in the diet of a nursing mother should not exceed 30%, and proteins - 20%.

There are foods that can affect the quality of breast milk. The most famous of them are nuts. Walnuts should be preferred. It is enough to eat a small amount of them daily. It is best to pour 2-3 peeled and chopped walnuts in a glass of milk, boil for a few minutes and consume 2 tablespoons of the drink several times a day. Be sure to include cheese and butter in the diet.

To increase the fat content of milk, young mothers need to eat as much fermented milk products as possible: cottage cheese, sour cream, natural yoghurts. The use of cow's milk should be treated with caution. It often causes allergies in babies.

Calcium, the use of which can lead to an increase in the fat content of milk, is also found in broccoli, beans, fish, and herbs. Young mothers are advised to include fish soup with broccoli in the menu more often.

Experts recommend that breastfeeding women eat enough fruits and vegetables. It is important that they do not cause allergies. When breastfeeding newborns, you should stop using citrus fruits.
