How To Increase The Fat Content Of Breast Milk

How To Increase The Fat Content Of Breast Milk
How To Increase The Fat Content Of Breast Milk

Breastfeeding is the key to the normal development and growth of a child. It cannot be replaced by any modern mixtures. In order for the baby to receive benefits and good nutrition, it is necessary to increase the fat content of milk.

fat content of breast milk
fat content of breast milk

How to recognize insufficient milk fat?

Young mothers are often worried about the nutritional value of their milk. The main signs of reduced fat content are:

- the child begins to lag behind in weight;

- the baby is often attached to the mother's breast;

- when expressing, milk has a bluish tint.

Many factors affect the percentage of fat. For example, it can be heredity, malnutrition, the emotional state of a nursing woman, etc.

Ways to increase the fat content of milk

For high-quality breastfeeding of a baby, simple rules must be followed.

First rule. Express a small amount of milk before breastfeeding, as fore milk is less nutritious and more watery. If the baby has not reached the "rear" milk, he experiences a feeling of hunger.

Second rule. During breastfeeding, massage your breasts to stimulate fatty milk production. As a rule, babies like to fiddle with their mother's breasts while eating.

Third rule. Let your baby get enough milk. Some mommies take away after a certain period of time. The baby must complete the feeding himself.

Fourth rule. Do not change breasts during one feeding, as the baby receives only "front" milk. If there is a feeling of emptiness in the gland, do not take the child away. During this period, the "back" milk continues to be released, and the baby receives the most valuable and nutritious portion.

Fifth rule. If the milk is not high in fat, shorten the interval between meals. Frequent feeding of the baby is believed to increase the nutritional value.

Sixth rule. Review your own diet. It is a mistake to think that fatty foods in the form of animal fats are good for a baby. Undoubtedly, it is high in calories for a woman, but it can negatively affect the health of the child. Avoid foods high in trans fats, as these can have a detrimental effect on the health benefits of milk. It is necessary to include sea fish, nuts, since these products increase fat content without harming the internal organs of a small body.

Seventh rule. Avoid stressful situations and emotional overload, as the state of the nervous system directly affects the fat content and the amount of milk secreted. You also need good sleep and regular rest.
