Each parent always looks with pride and affection at his baby reciting poetry by heart. It doesn't matter where it happens: at a matinee in kindergarten, in front of guests at a family party, or in the kitchen in front of grandparents. Memorizing verses by heart develops the child's memory, his horizons, forms the general level of the child's culture. Memorizing poetry is not easy for every child. And for some children, learning a poem is a real torture.

Step 1
In order for a child to learn poetry without problems at preschool and school age, from early childhood, as often as possible, he should hear funny rhymed nursery rhymes, riddles and rhymes. Over time, they will be remembered by themselves, and the baby's memory will train to perceive and memorize rhymes.
Step 2
If the kid strongly disagrees to learn the poem, the mother needs to be smart and outwit the child. It is necessary to tell the kid that it is not necessary to learn the poem at all. Instead, you can play the Repeat After Me game. Mom should read, or better speak by heart, one line of the poem. And the child should repeat after it. This form of memorizing a poem does not expose the kid to informational stress.
Step 3
Mom or Dad also needs to find out if the poem contains words and expressions that are unfamiliar to the child. It is easy to find out: when repeating the lines of a poem, the child will confuse a word that is incomprehensible to him, and may refuse to pronounce it at all. The kid should explain the meaning of such expressions and give more examples with the use of an unfamiliar word or expression.
Step 4
To learn a poem with a child, of course, you should start from the first line. You need to speak it with the baby until he tells it without hesitation. After memorizing the first line, you should start memorizing the second. When the child knows the first and second lines of the poem by heart, they should be connected, and two lines should be told together, etc.
Step 5
If a child does not agree to learn a poem in any way, parents can take a desperate step - its endless repetition. It is necessary to recite a poem in the presence of a baby at any time, anywhere, as if for yourself. 3 times you need to read it in full, then you need to say 1-2 lines of it all the time. Of course, you shouldn't forget about intonation, feeling and rhythm.
Step 6
You do not need to learn more than two lines of a poem a day with your baby.
Step 7
To make the poem easier for the child to learn, in addition to it, you should pick up various movements to the beat: steps, claps, swinging the body, etc.
Step 8
When memorizing each line of the poem, in between times, you can play a ball. Mom or Dad should say a line of a poem and throw a ball to the baby. The child also needs to repeat the line and throw the ball back into the hands of the parents.
Step 9
To make it easier to learn a poem, its plot can be drawn on paper in the form of a small comic strip.