Love and romance live in every girl. But not everyone can hit the target and competently call to these feelings. Whether you decide to win the heart of your beloved or just make a beautiful gift, beautiful poems are exactly the arrows that you should use.

Step 1
Select the mission of the poem. The author puts an individual meaning in any verse. It may not be a specific morality or idea, but simply the experiences or feelings of the poet. Try to determine exactly what you want to convey in the poem before writing the first lines. Accurate determination of the target is like choosing a route - if the path is clearly laid out, then the ship will briskly rush on the way.
Step 2
Prepare to write. Choose a few verses you like, which you can call for yourself "icons of versification", re-read them. Pay attention to the techniques that the author uses. If you find it difficult to choose poets, give preference to the classics and symbolists, for example, Blok, Nekrasov, Akhmatova.
Step 3
Don't stretch the poem. Even the greatest poem is difficult to read, and even more difficult to perceive if it is stretched out. 4-5 quatrains are quite enough so that you can put your idea into them and at the same time the reader does not forget the meaning of the first one to the last passage.
Step 4
Think about the girl you are writing a poem to. Write down the images and ideas that were born in your head. Think about the things that bind you, and what is special about her. Use the resulting material as a basis, starting from which you can create further.
Step 5
Try not to use verbal rhyme. Options such as "love-appreciate-beckon" are included in the category of "cheap" rhymes and greatly spoil the impression of the poem. Try, at a minimum, to combine the verb with a noun or other parts of speech, for example, "love is a thread"
Step 6
Forget the mundane syllable. A poem is no longer just a transfer of information, it is poetry. Do not be afraid that some of the expressions sound out of the box or even a little unusual. How complex your inner world is, so the poem is allowed to be complex.