Girls, of course, are also people and are very similar to men. Only now, many men feel uncomfortable when a girl turns to them, especially if she looks impressive and generally coincides with the image of the ideal of a particular person. Some men are literally paralyzed by panic, as soon as an attractive person is around. How to answer a girl so that later she would not be tormented by regret?

Step 1
First of all, you need to take control of the reactions of your body. Almost everyone heard about the need to breathe deeply. But not everyone knows that just breathing deeply is not enough, you need to exhale as long as possible to inhale. When a beautiful woman is next to you, there is no time to breathe in and out for a long time, so combine breathing with conversation, uttering a long phrase as you exhale. That is, try to keep your first remark as long as possible, moreover, in the eyes of the girl, a man who explains himself with long phrases looks smarter. So kill two birds with one stone - and calm down, and impress the girl.
Step 2
Among the qualities that are attractive in the eyes of women, wit is one of the first places. Do not be afraid to joke, a reasonable and kind girl will support you, rewarding your remark with a light smile. If the girl turned to you first, she is already tense, and humor will defuse the situation. You can joke about the situation, laugh at yourself, but only kindly. Never joke about the girl herself, this is only permissible for very close relationships. An experienced man can laugh at himself and her at the same time. This approach brings people closer together. Although this is a very subtle game, and inexperienced men need to be very careful with such jokes.
Step 3
Your answer should be as informative as possible, because in the eyes of a girl, a man should always have useful information. Of course, one can argue about the legitimacy of such expectations, but nevertheless, girls in our culture have an attitude that a man will help, orient, explain clearly. So try to explain in as much detail and as specific a way as possible about what you were asked about, and don't worry about saying something wrong because of anxiety or not joking at the right time. Girls feel when a man is worried, and therefore give him an advance of a good relationship, because they are flattered by the excitement of the opposite sex. Just be yourself, and one of the girls who turned to you will definitely want to continue the conversation.