The image of Sherlock Holmes has sunk into the soul of everyone who has watched the series, and many dream of meeting such a "prince" and becoming Irene for him. But is this really how we were introduced to sociopathy?

Just over 20% of all prisoners are clinical psychopaths. This is a fact for thought. Shows like Dexter introduce us to a serial killer, and the most amazing thing is that we sympathize with him! It's time to exclaim: "Where is this world heading?" - but the explanation for this phenomenon of the shift in public consciousness is very simple. According to the confessions of many business coaches, traits inherent in clinical psychopaths and sociopaths are most likely to lead to success: the ability to go ahead with their goals, ignore the emotional aspect, self-confidence. The problem is that you cannot build a relationship with such a person. People of this kind are unable to maintain a serious relationship based on mutual respect and love. Feelings of affection and friendship are alien to them. As a rule, they are concerned about more mundane things, say, living space, money, position in society. As long as you are able to provide satisfaction of these needs, the psychopath will maintain a relationship with you, but as soon as you stop giving what is needed or such a person finds a better place, he will disappear without an elementary "sorry". And he can also take with him something from grandmother's antique service or family jewelry. So it's more expensive to get involved with psychopaths.
The main problem is that, at first glance, such an associal type cannot be calculated. As a rule, they are the very charm and charm, and most likely you will think that you have met a soul mate. Fortunately, there are a number of criteria for identifying a psychopath before it's too late.
- Psychopaths are great actors, the ability to pretend is given to them from birth. But natural aggression is very difficult to hide. Be wary if, being the very kindness and courtesy with you, such a type can, without batting an eye, shout at the waiter or a passer-by who accidentally touched him. If this happens even once, run.
- Psychopaths don't like to beat around the bush when they need something, and prefer to get down to business right away. So do not be surprised if something is wrong with the person who switched to "you" with you in the first minutes of communication and began to discuss your plans for the coming weekend.
- The psychopath tries not to reveal any significant details about himself; he will either create a perfect image, or shrouded in mystery. If, after chatting with a person for about 30 minutes, you still don't know anything about him, be careful.
- Such people are proud of petty crimes of the law, and even more so that they were not caught.
- Be alert if you run into a wall of coldness and ridicule in response to your search for empathy (talking about problems at work or feeling unwell).
- Excessive wastefulness is also a reason to think about whether everything is fine with the future chosen one. Of course, expensive and / or frequent gifts are great fun, but being overly generous also indicates a personality disorder.
- Are you delighted that he anticipates your desires, as if reading your mind? No wonder. Years of practice, honed manipulation skills make such people masters of influencing the opposite sex. Scientists have proven that a psychopath is able to calculate a potential victim only by the manner of movement. So do not flatter yourself ahead of time.
And one more fact to note. Carefully study the profile of the person you are interested in on the social network. An abnormal selfie craving signals the possible presence of psychopathic traits in an individual.