Children are characterized by fears, tens of generations of parents have already come to terms with this. Many of them do not even think that the baby is born absolutely fearless. If you observe newborn babies, you can see a lot of evidence of this. A newborn is not afraid of darkness and loneliness, he has no fear of animals and the future. Every kid comes to this world with a brave heart. It is we adults who make him cowardly and weak.

Step 1
Fears, no matter how painful it may be to admit, we invite into children's souls. We do it in different ways, mostly out of good intentions. It seems to us that if the baby knows that there is a danger and that he needs to be afraid of it, then this will allow him to avoid it. We sometimes consciously, but more often out of habit, without giving an account of our words and actions, intimidate fearless kids, talk about non-existent evil characters, teach his imagination to draw terrible images, constantly supplying new associations and one more terrible descriptions.
Step 2
But to make sure that fear of a dark room never settles in a child's soul is very simple. It is enough to exclude from communication any form of intimidation by both real characters and fictional characters. In addition, you should be very careful to introduce your kid to animated films, especially those that can hardly be called cute and kind. In no case should a child be punished by leaving one in a large and dark room. Darkness should not be associated with something unpleasant and unfriendly.
Step 3
Adhering to such simple rules, you can completely exclude the stage of fear of the dark from the child's life.
If fear has already taken its place in the child's heart, the experience of overcoming it can become a practice for the child to work on himself, and success will increase self-confidence.
Parents' position in the process of overcoming children's fears is very important. In no case should you laugh at children's fears, accuse the baby of cowardice and make fun of him. The child should know that although parents do not believe in the existence of danger in a dark room, they support him in an effort to overcome fear, are always ready to lend him a helping hand.
Step 4
Before starting to actively fight fear, parents should first of all make sure that the child walks a lot on the street during the day, he has physical activity adequate to his age, he eats rationally, and the nursery or other room in which the baby sleeps is clean., cozy and well ventilated, Sometimes it is enough to adjust the daily routine of the child so that he instantly fell asleep, finding himself in bed. Then he simply will not have time for fears and worries.