Psychologist's Advice: How To Teach A Child Not To Be Afraid

Psychologist's Advice: How To Teach A Child Not To Be Afraid
Psychologist's Advice: How To Teach A Child Not To Be Afraid

It is impossible to teach a child not to be afraid. You can't not do something: not pay attention, not be afraid, not think. The psychology of children, like adults, does not allow striving for a negative goal. If the baby is afraid of something or someone, then the advice of a psychologist boils down to the fact that it is necessary to help the child to be brave. Fears of children are almost obligatory, almost everyone faces them. But it is quite possible to overcome them and give a crumb of courage.

Childhood fears. Psychologist's advice
Childhood fears. Psychologist's advice

Psychologist consultation

In a situation where a small person experiences extremely strong childhood fears, only a change in the methods of upbringing in the family will not help him cope. Better to seek professional help. Whether a one-time consultation is needed, at which a psychologist will recommend what to do to parents, or a course of classes with a baby, the specialist will decide after the first meeting.

An example of courage

The first step in dealing with childhood fears is to use courageous parenting behavior as role models. Many mothers themselves provoke, for example, a fear of dogs in children. Instead of teaching the baby to stand quietly or walk past the dog, they abruptly pull it back, hug it and frighten it that the animal can bite. Seeing such a reaction from his mother, the baby, of course, will also become afraid of dogs.

The uselessness of explanations

Any fear is an emotion that defies the action of the mind. It is useless to explain the futility of fears. For example, those parents who demonstrate to a child who are afraid of the “bedside monster” that there is nothing under the bed are faced with this. A son or daughter simply will not believe such arguments, and the emotion will not diminish in the least.

Make friends with fear

While the monster lives in the soul and fantasy of the child, he seems invincible, and with each appeal to him, the fear only becomes stronger. You can help your baby become brave by making friends with childhood fear. A drawing is perfect for this: to depict the one who lives in the closet and scares the baby. Drawn on paper, it will no longer be so scary. Then it's better to talk to such a monster: why did it come? What does he want? How to drive him out or agree to live in peace? All this dialogue must be played with the child.

Find out the reason

Any strong childhood fears are rooted in child psychology, something is wrong in the baby's soul. Perhaps in this way he attracts the attention of a parent who is constantly busy, or the phobia is the result of worries about some reason. If adults notice that their child has begun to be very afraid of something, they must definitely find out if any traumatic events have happened in the life of the baby. After all, it is easy to teach courage in relation to one aspect, but children's fear will appear in relation to something else, if the cause of inner feelings is not eradicated.

Gradual victory

In situations where children's fear is associated with something specific (height, swimming in water, etc.), the technique of gradual addiction is used. The point is to approach the frightening one in small steps. So, if a child is afraid of heights, there is no need to demand from him to climb immediately to the highest hill. Let him first stand on the first step, and the next day he will rise a little higher. Each time he will step further and further. The main thing is to make the steps as inconspicuous as possible, then the crumb itself will not notice how, in the end, it will stand on the top of a mountain or staircase.

Childhood fears are normal in child psychology. Parents who come across them will be greatly helped by these advice from a psychologist. If the baby's feelings seem too strong, then it is better to consult a specialist.
