Female pride, which has always been perceived as the basis for personal happiness, also has negative characteristics. If a woman tries to manipulate people in this way, we are talking about pride, which can become a "stumbling block" even in the most sincere relationships.

There is an opinion that female pride is a relic of the past centuries, completely superfluous in the modern world. However, the feeling of self-respect is unlikely to lose its relevance, and to forget about it means to lose the inner core, to indulge in the surrounding licentiousness.
Is pride useful
Feminine pride, as opposed to pride, speaks of the presence of self-esteem and self-esteem. A woman endowed with these qualities is unlikely to allow even a close man to take unacceptable liberties, to one degree or another offensive to her. At the same time, a proud lady should not demonstrate this quality over trifles, and her claims should be open, reasonable and fair.
However, pride should not be confused with excessive resentment and vulnerability. Excessive exactingness to others is unlikely to bring harmony to life, only disappointment and unjustified hopes will remain.
Are pride and pride the same
Despite the obvious similarities between female pride and pride, you can always find certain differences between them. It is not for nothing that pride is condemned by the norms of Christianity, because it so strongly resembles arrogance and some narcissism. Such a woman costs nothing, even for a clearly far-fetched reason, to stop communicating, not wanting to understand a loved one.
To avoid developing pride, psychologists advise women to control their pride and not allow it to grow into complacency. If for a lady her pride becomes a priority, she clearly cannot avoid losses in her heart. However, every person infected with excessive pride will be doomed only to disappointment and negative emotions.
but on the other hand
Even if a woman has tact and does not allow her pride to grow into arrogance, she always runs the risk of running into conflict and misunderstanding on the part of the male half of humanity. It is not uncommon for men to perceive a woman's sense of self-esteem as arrogance, without making further attempts to sort out the relationship. However, this does not mean at all that a woman must step over herself, otherwise in the future she will have to make even greater sacrifices.
Contrasting pride and pride, dignity and arrogance, a woman must learn to feel the "golden mean". It would be too foolish to destroy even the most sincere relationships for the sake of excessive resentment.