No need to think that only a woman loves with her ears - and it is important for men to hear words dear to their hearts from their beloved. Sometimes it is enough to sincerely confess your love to your hero and emphasize his masculinity and uniqueness, so that he was ready to move mountains. One way or another, ladies always need to think carefully about the phrases they pronounce, especially if they want to keep their knight nearby.

You my hero
Hearing such a phrase from a woman will be pleasant to both those who have done a courageous act for the sake of a beautiful lady, and those who are potentially ready to commit them. A person capable of a feat for the sake of his beloved has the right to admiration from the representative of the opposite sex. And even if a man reacts sparingly to these words, deep down he will want to do something else for the lady of the heart in order to hear her confession again.
You are a genius
The aptly spoken phrase "You are a genius!" will be truly pleasant to the man who helped the lady in a difficult situation. Especially if she is not pretending, but really turned out to be helpless in front of something, and he easily coped with it: he fixed the computer, the faucet in the kitchen or changed the spare car wheel.
You're so clever
This phrase is similar to the previous one, but more restrained. There are many situations in life when it can be pronounced without stint of praise. If a woman expresses sincere admiration, a man will want to solve all the problems from the child's textbook, fix all household appliances, explain the laws of physics through experience, and it doesn't matter if the lady really knows how to do it all herself. Sometimes you can transfer the palm to the stronger sex without pulling the blanket over yourself.

Can you help me?
You should not distract your courageous defender with all sorts of trifles, but from time to time you should ask him for help. A representative of the stronger sex needs to know that a lady cannot cope without him at all.
You're the real man
Who can resist such a phrase, especially if a woman he likes says it to a man? From such words spoken from a pure heart, a truly strong relationship can be struck. And in the future, it's good to remind your chosen one that he really is a real man.
You look awesome
For some reason, many people think that only ladies need to compliment, while a man may have enough complexes, and he needs a positive assessment of his appearance. Even if in front of the lady he is a seemingly self-confident macho, he actually may doubt whether new clothes suit him, whether he is handsome. Moreover, if a man takes care of himself, visits the gym, it is worth rejoicing at his success.
This beauty looked at you with interest
If a man walks next to a lady, but other women are glancing at him, there is nothing wrong if the companion notes this out loud. This should be done calmly, with humor, without making scenes of jealousy - and a man will definitely appreciate this. He will like that he attracts the looks of beautiful ladies, and the companion will only emphasize her confidence in herself and her knight.
How sexy you are
As psychologists say, praising a sexual partner is necessary before, during and after sex. The man is thrilled by the confessions of his sexuality and the inability to resist his irresistible courage.
What an amazing night
Such a phrase will delight a man and flatter his pride, therefore family psychologists recommend saying it more often, without hesitation. The sexual partner will want a sensual continuation. If the couple is not married, and the lady "hooked" the gentleman, he can call within three days. If this did not happen, there is nothing wrong with calling him and sincerely thanking him for a great night.
I like it
It is very important to tell a man what exactly he likes in his actions, appearance, habits. This can be tasteful clothing, a new haircut, guest behavior, and much more. And phrases like “I like how you are able to pick up gifts” and “I like how you guess my desires” will motivate a man to want to please his beloved.
You were right
This is a wonderful phrase that many women often forget. She is able to seal relationships. It is necessary to give the representatives of the stronger sex a reason for triumph. However, you should not overdo it with such words. In response, the partner may hear the haughty "And I told you so!", And sooner or later this will cause irritation, which will become difficult to hide.

I'm on your side
Strong relationships are built on constant mutual support. The partner must know that the partner will take his side and will be there, no matter what happens. And you need to remind him of this.
I am listening to you attentively
It is necessary to speak out from time to time for any person, no matter how strong he seems. Having said to your beloved “I am listening to you attentively,” you really need to become a sensitive listener, not interrupt and show your sincere sympathy with all your looks.
I understand you
A man may be afraid to be frank with his half, because he is afraid of being misunderstood and even ridiculed by her. It is important to let him know that in any case, the beloved will understand him, and this should be done with all seriousness.
Do not forget about such a simple magic word. It should sound every day. If a man showed concern, for example, opened the door in front of a lady, took a heavy bag from her, or made great coffee, you should thank him.

I'm safe with you
A man should know that it is calm and safe next to him, because he is able to protect his half from anything. It is worth reminding him of this.
You are the best
Such sincere admiration will disarm any man. Simple words confirming that a beloved woman will never exchange her knight for another simply because there is no one better than him in the world - for this he will be ready to move mountains.
I love you
If a couple is made for each other, a sincere declaration of love will only bring them closer together. And it will never be superfluous or inappropriate.
An intelligent woman will always choose the right words for her beloved, find the right moment. The main thing is that you need to speak without falsehood, from the bottom of your heart.