What Is A Civil Marriage

What Is A Civil Marriage
What Is A Civil Marriage

For the first time the concept of "civil marriage" appeared in Holland in the Middle Ages. The Church at that time did not recognize the unions of people of different faiths. In this regard, civil marriage, in other words, secular, emerged as an alternative to church marriage. Registered relations not consecrated by the church, the city hall.

What is a civil marriage
What is a civil marriage

Strictly speaking, any marriage entered into in the registry office is civil. Cohabitation of a couple without formalized documents is called "de facto marriage" in the legal language, and "cohabitation" in the police. Today, the concept of civil marriage is often used when describing the cohabitation of people without official registration. Such relationships are widespread. In everyday terms, a civil marriage is an ordinary marriage, but without a stamp in the passport. People in such a marriage call each other husband and wife, run a common household, have common children, and have a common budget. Why are they in no hurry to formalize the relationship? There can be many reasons. There is no money for a beautiful wedding Lovers do not seem to mind registering a relationship, but they want to do it with noise, limousines and hundreds of guests. While there is no material opportunity, they decide to live together and save up for the wedding. There is no confidence in your feelings Too serious and reverent attitude towards marriage and future children raises many doubts about the correct choice of a partner. In this case, the decision to live together and check your feelings seems to be the most reasonable. There is no desire to tie your fate with a partner for a long time In this case, one of the partners deliberately does not want to take on family obligations and often behaves like a free person. And be patient with the other, because he loves or depends on a partner financially or psychologically and is afraid of losing him. There is no need Sometimes people who have lived together for many years do not rush to the registry office. They have children, clear rules of living together have been developed, material and everyday issues have been resolved. Such a couple sees no point in registering a relationship that has long been tested by time. And really, why all these stamps? Perhaps the registration of marriage has outlived its usefulness, just like the old custom of giving a dowry for the bride? Not so simple. The fact is that, despite the increasing popularity of civil marriage, it has serious disadvantages. Yours, mine, ours The lack of a clear legal framework, perhaps, causes the greatest doubts among common-law spouses in the correctness of the decision. When a couple lives together, the questions about who buys the sofa and who pays the car loan are easy and amicable. But in the event of a breakdown in relations, the division of property acquired in the process of living together can greatly spoil the nerves. And sometimes and forever deprive them of faith in goodness and justice. It is fairly rare to divide spoons, a cat, furniture and an apartment. After all, the court, if it comes down to it, makes a decision in favor of the partner who can prove his property right. If the car is registered to a common-law wife, then she will remain with her. The fact that her husband bought her with his honestly earned bonus, alas, will not play a role. Leave or Stay No stamp in your passport is capable of preserving a broken relationship. However, divorce among couples living in a civil marriage occurs much more often than among official spouses. Whatever one may say, but on a subconscious level, many couples consider their relationship frivolous. Civil marriage in this case is a make-believe marriage. When you are tired of playing husband and wife, you can quickly pack up your things and say goodbye. But it often happens that one perceives as a game what the other put his heart into. Civil marriage can be treated in different ways. Some see debauchery in a marriage without a wedding and a way to evade responsibility. For others, it is an opportunity to avoid mistakes and a way to maintain a sense of freedom for a long time. But no matter how the two call their relationship, the main thing is not in the name, but in love and mutual respect.
