Creativity is the ability to create, manifested in creative thinking. Creative abilities can be manifested in a person's labor activity, products of material or spiritual culture. Creativity presupposes the ability of a new, original view of creativity. To assess creativity, special tests are used.

Step 1
The first tests to identify creativity were developed by J. Guilford. His methodology consists of 4 subtests. Three out of four tests are based on non-verbal stimulus material. One test on verbal material. All four subtests diagnose abilities within social intelligence. Social intelligence is responsible for understanding speech, actions, deeds. It also provides recognition of gestures and facial expressions. That is, non-verbal human behavior. J. Guilford's test can be used for any age category, starting from 9 years old.
Step 2
The stimulus material includes a set of 4 test cases. Each subtest has 12-15 tasks. A person's ability to perform mental operations is tested in the following areas: visual, semantic, behavioral, symbolic. It is necessary to develop tasks, taking into account the fact that the end result should be different types of results. On the basis of visual content - 4. For symbolic and semantic content - 10. The time allotted for each subtest is limited.
Step 3
For diagnostics of the level of creativity, the popular technique of E. Torens is often used. Although this is a test not only for creativity, but also for creativity in general. In 1966 E. Torrens grouped 12 tests into scales. The verbal scale measures verbal creative thinking. Fine - fine. By sound - verbal and sound. Verbal battery testing takes 45 minutes. Shaped battery - 30 min. This time does not include familiarization with the instructions. Also, to conduct a verbal battery, you need an album "Express your ideas with words" and an answer sheet to it. You will need a test book "Express Your Ideas with Pictures" for your art battery. E. Torrance's technique is considered more reliable than the technique of J. Guilford.
Step 4
There is a fairly popular and reliable domestic test for creativity. The technique was developed by N. B. Shumakova. It is 3 tasks. It can be used both individually and in a group. Suitable for identifying the level of creative thinking in children after 8 years of age and adults. First you need to write down information about yourself. After that, you should complete a series of tasks within a certain amount of time. To do this, you need to stock up on colored pencils, a pen, an eraser, and glue. You should also have a test book.
The essence of the test is that, based on the pasted figure, you need to depict something that other members of the group do not have. Points are awarded for originality. For example, if the answer was found in a larger number of subjects, then 0 points are given for originality.
Step 5
The difficulty of any test for creativity is that a complete list of the characteristics of such thinking simply does not exist. Therefore, the results of even the most reliable research cannot give one hundred percent guarantee. In addition, any of the techniques requires experience and reliable assimilation of methodological information. Therefore, with the question of diagnosing your own abilities for creative thinking, it is better to contact a specialist.