The psychologist is one of the main specialists in the school. He accompanies students throughout the entire period of study at the educational institution. Also, the teaching staff needs his advice.

One of the main functions of a school psychologist is diagnostic examination of children. This makes it possible to track the dynamics of their development in the learning process. In addition, diagnostics helps to timely correct one or another direction in the teaching of a particular child.
The psychologist conducts diagnostic examinations in several directions. Diagnostics of preschoolers is the identification of the level of preparation for school of future first graders. Such research allows you to help parents in choosing educational programs that differ in concept and level of complexity.
Diagnostic examination of graduates is carried out in the ninth and eleventh grades. The use of vocational tests helps high school students decide on the choice of their future profession.
If necessary, the diagnosis of knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren is carried out at the beginning and end of the school year. This is how the learning outcome of each child is determined. In addition, during the training, the psychological state of children in the team is diagnosed.
It is very important to determine the emotional background in the class. Timely help from a psychologist will be useful in the process of team building.
The school psychologist is required to monitor the environment in each class. Ideally, he should know the family of each student. So the specialist will be able to track and prevent the appearance of problems in the studies of schoolchildren.
Attending classes is also the responsibility of the school psychologist. Its function is to observe the educational process. Without interfering with the course of the lesson, he draws conclusions about how comfortable the children are in the learning process. If a problem arises with a specific child, the psychologist works through it with the involvement of the class teacher and the student's parents.
Psychological counseling is one of the effective methods of work of a school psychologist. Consultations are carried out both with schoolchildren and their families, and with school teachers. This method of work assumes an individual approach to the participants in the problem.
Counseling for teachers is also part of the school psychologist's functions. Timely psychological assistance helps to prevent nervous breakdowns in teachers.
Depending on the complexity of the situation, one or more consultations are held. A step-by-step solution allows you to step-by-step study of the problem that has arisen. The result will largely depend on how open and honest those present at the consultation are.