How Kisses Affect Our Well-being

How Kisses Affect Our Well-being
How Kisses Affect Our Well-being

Table of contents:


Kisses give us more than just good feelings. They bring health benefits, positively affecting well-being and the entire body as a whole. Here are 10 interesting facts about kissing.

The benefits of kissing
The benefits of kissing


Step 1

Kissing is the prevention of wrinkles. The facial muscles work well during the kiss. Such "loads" can be even more effective than cosmetic facial massage.

The benefits of kissing
The benefits of kissing

Step 2

Kissing helps fight tooth decay. When kissing, salivation increases and the content of calcium in saliva increases, which significantly strengthens tooth enamel - the main obstacle to caries.

The benefits of kissing
The benefits of kissing

Step 3

Kissing helps keep your cardiovascular system in good shape. During a kiss, the heart beats faster, the pulse quickens and the cardiovascular system is under moderate stress, strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels.

The benefits of kissing
The benefits of kissing

Step 4

Kissing strengthens the immune system. During a kiss, bacteria are exchanged with a partner, which has a beneficial effect on a person's immunity. In addition, the kissing people also exchange antibodies.

The benefits of kissing
The benefits of kissing

Step 5

Kisses keep you romantic. When kissing, sex hormones are produced, which helps to keep libido at a high level. And this contributes to the romantic mood and the desire to look sexually attractive. In addition, during a kiss, about 160 kcal is burned, about the same amount burns after 20 minutes of aqua aerobics.

The benefits of kissing
The benefits of kissing

Step 6

Kisses train the respiratory system. During the kiss, the breath is held. Surprisingly, in terms of the intensity and nature of the alternation of inhalation and exhalation, holding the breath during a kiss is very similar to the breathing exercises of yogis.

The benefits of kissing
The benefits of kissing

Step 7

Kissing strengthens family relationships. For many people, kissing is a more intimate process than sex itself. When kissing, people are not just expressing sexual attraction, but deep emotional affection. Regular kissing helps to strengthen the conjugal bond.

The benefits of kissing
The benefits of kissing

Step 8

Kissing improves your mood. They help relieve stress and even fight chronic fatigue syndrome. During a kiss, endorphins are released into the bloodstream, the hormone of happiness simply sweeps away bad moods and gloomy thoughts on its way. Kisses in the morning are especially pleasant, setting the tone for the whole day.

The benefits of kissing
The benefits of kissing

Step 9

According to research, 2% of women have an orgasm during kissing! Let's rejoice together for these lucky women!

The benefits of kissing
The benefits of kissing

Step 10

Kissing prolongs life. Of course, kisses, which bring so many benefits to the body, cannot but prolong life. People who kiss every day, regardless of gender, live on average 6 years longer.

It is important to remember that in kissing, as in any workout, the main thing is systematic and regular. Kiss more often and enjoy improving your health!
