When a small child grows up enough to ask questions, a real flurry of "Why …?" Falls on the parents. and "What is …?" And it is often very difficult to answer these questions. For example, a kid suddenly puzzled mom or dad, asking with interest: "What is a person?" And it’s not even clear how best to answer him, if adults, quite possibly, have never thought about such a question.

Step 1
If your family is religious, you can answer the child in the canonical spirit: man was created by the Lord in his own image and likeness. It is not necessary to go into details, it is better to limit yourself to a short story about Adam and Eve, without touching on the theme of their fall and expulsion from paradise. You can read a suitable passage from a child's Bible, or ask a priest for advice on how best to tell your child about it.
Step 2
Parents-atheists will have a harder time, especially if they are wondering how their answers might lead the child to the next natural question: "Where did I come from?" It is best to start the answer this way: “You see, man is as much a living being as any animal. For example, like our dog (cat) or pigeons that fly into our yard every day. He also needs something to eat and drink, somewhere to live. But in many ways it differs from them. " And invite the kid to think about the question himself: what are the differences between a person and an animal? This will be a very exciting and useful activity for the baby.
Step 3
When you enumerate with joint efforts - a person knows how to talk, walks dressed, on two legs, lives in houses, uses dishes, household appliances, etc. - tell your child about the main difference. Start like this: “You are our child, we love you very much, we care about you. But animals also love their cubs, take care of them. So, there is one more thing - the main thing is the difference. And try to explain that a person can think, fantasize, look into the future. He is smarter than an animal, this is his main advantage.
Step 4
Finally, explain to your child that it is this skill that imposes a special responsibility on a person. “Since a person thinks, it means that he is responsible for his actions - both good and bad. So you must always behave well so that neither we nor other people are ashamed of you. And now, when you are still small, and in the future, when you grow up. These words will surely be well remembered by the child.