Relaxation In Kindergarten: Features Of The Procedure

Relaxation In Kindergarten: Features Of The Procedure
Relaxation In Kindergarten: Features Of The Procedure

A properly organized rest in kindergarten is simply necessary, since kids with their still not strong psyche often quickly get tired of games, and from communication with peers, and from a huge amount of information received. The task of the educator is to choose and organize the procedures for relaxation correctly.

Relaxation in kindergarten: features of the procedure
Relaxation in kindergarten: features of the procedure

Using specific relaxation exercises

Physical exercises based on the contrast of tension and relaxation are very effective. They allow you to relieve fatigue, increase muscle tone, and also weaken the effect of stress, distract from negative emotions. A classic example of such a procedure is an exercise in which you need to strain, pull up with force, and then relax and bend in half, as if falling. You can also ask the children to shrink on command, as if they are cold, and then quickly relax, as if suddenly it became hot.

It is also important to teach children to "meditate". The swinging tree exercise contributes well to this. Ask the children to imagine that their torso is the trunk, their legs are the roots, their arms are the branches, and their head is the top of a tree. Then, on a special command, the kids should begin to swing back and forth, from side to side, as if the wind was blowing on them. This exercise helps to calm down, concentrate on your feelings, relieve nervous tension and completely relax.

The peculiarity of relaxation exercises in kindergarten is that you need to teach kids to relax, not only when the teacher asks about it or when there is a moment of rest. Some time after repeating the procedures, the kids themselves should understand how they can regulate their mental balance, emotionally defend themselves, and at the same time monitor the state of their body and, if necessary, give the body a rest. These valuable skills will be very useful later in life.

Restoring peace of mind in the relaxation room

It is often difficult for babies to relax if a number of conditions are not created for this. The task of educators is to provide everything necessary so that each child finds exactly the element that helps him to calm down. For visuals, these are carefully selected shades and textures, as well as an interior designed in accordance with the recommendations of child psychologists. For audiences, gentle, quiet, soothing sounds. For kinesthetics - surfaces pleasant to the touch, soft objects.

It is appropriate to spend five minutes of rest in a corner or a room for relaxation. A good procedure is to ask the children to lie down in the positions that are most comfortable for them, and then close their eyes and relax. The provider may ask the toddler to relax the muscles in different parts of the body, for example, start at the tips of the fingers and work up to the shoulders. At the same time, it is advisable to ask the children to imagine something pleasant and relaxing. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to turn on quiet gentle music or melodiously read a poem with suitable text. This type of relaxation will help children to concentrate on sounds and sensations, to listen to their body. After some time, with the regular repetition of the procedure, the kids will learn to perform it themselves, without the support and instructions of the teacher.
