In order for a woman to have the opportunity to prepare for the birth of a child, the legislation of the Russian Federation secures her the right to take maternity leave at work.

Step 1
From the middle of the seventh month of pregnancy, a woman has the right to take maternity leave.
Step 2
First of all, the mother-to-be should be attached to the antenatal clinic in advance. After examination and confirmation of the fact of pregnancy, the woman will be registered and will monitor her health and the development of the baby. When the gestation period reaches 30 weeks, the gynecologist must issue a disability certificate for the expectant mother for 140 calendar days. If you are expecting more than one child, then you must be discharged from sick leave at 28 weeks of pregnancy for a period of 194 days. To issue a certificate of incapacity for work, the expectant mother must provide copies of the following documents to the antenatal clinic: Russian passport, medical policy and SNILS. The certificate of incapacity for work must indicate the name of the organization in which you work. It will be written according to your words. So that you do not have to redo the sick leave, find out in advance how the name of your company is spelled correctly. Pay special attention to the form of ownership: LLC, CJSC, OJSC, etc. If the name consists of several words, specify how they are spelled: together, separately, or with a hyphen.
Step 3
After receiving the document, the woman should write a statement asking to grant her maternity leave for the entire period of the sick leave and attach to it a certificate of incapacity for work issued by the antenatal clinic. Taking maternity leave is a woman's right, not an obligation. Therefore, if the expectant mother wants to work for some more time, she has the right to write an application for maternity leave from the date she is going to go on vacation. However, it should be remembered that the amount of maternity benefit in this case will be reduced in proportion to the number of actual vacation days.
Step 4
When a woman goes on maternity leave, the employer is obliged to pay her maternity allowance. The money must be transferred to the employee once in full on the next payday. Usually, the payment goes along with the money earned by the expectant mother in the last month of work before maternity leave.
Step 5
If your original certificate of incapacity for work was written out for 140 days, and the doctors decide that the birth was complicated, you will be given a sick leave for an additional 16 days. Give it to your employer and your maternity leave will be extended. At the same time, it is not necessary to write an application for granting you additional leave.