How To Get Your Ex Back And Is It Worth Doing

How To Get Your Ex Back And Is It Worth Doing
How To Get Your Ex Back And Is It Worth Doing

The decision to end a relationship does not always come after long deliberation and calm discussions with a partner. Often, a couple break up immediately after a vivid quarrel. The intensity of emotions and mutual grievances completely turn off your head and do not allow you to seriously think about whether it is necessary to end the romance. And now everything has calmed down, the previous grievances no longer seem so terrible and do not have much significance. At the same time, the lost relationship seems perfect, and only the best moments are remembered. The only desire is to be with this person again and start all over again.


Everything is new

It seems that "this time" everything will be completely different. All the positive and negative qualities of a person are already familiar. The reason for the breakup is also clear. The illusion arises that it is easy to erase all the flaws in a relationship. It's better to forget about it right away. Relationships will have to be fundamentally changed. The system that was before turned out to be a failure, since it didn't end well. You will have to start a novel practically from scratch, to continue "from the same place" is futile.

It is also necessary to forget about all the old traditions. Favorite places and songs, all common habits - they will have to be revisited anew. You will have to make new places and new addictions if you want the relationship to really become different. But these are all - only perspectives …

All changes must be started first of all with oneself. Let it be little things: new clothes, new hairstyle, some other hobby. The appearance itself should indicate that the person has radically changed and became completely different.

It is necessary to analyze all your shortcomings. In a breakup, two parties are always to blame. Surely the beloved was annoyed by some habits or character traits - hysteria, excessive jealousy, capriciousness … You need to get rid of all this if you want the relationship to only get better.

This can take a long time. If you can't cope with the task on your own, you should contact a psychologist who will help you put everything in its place.

Is it worth it?

In a moment of longing for the past, everything is seen only in a rosy light. The flaws are erased, and the virtues and fabulous moments become even brighter. But is there a guarantee that after the romance resumes, old grievances will not flare up and do not sparkle with new colors?

In addition, during the time of separation, the partner may change, and it is not a fact that he will become better. You can struggle for a long time to return, but in the end you will be disappointed and be left with nothing. Is this game worth the candle?
