Each person needs to be able to make acquaintances, this will help not only in his personal life, but also in business, where communication skills are considered one of the greatest advantages. If you don’t know how to make acquaintances, it’s not a problem. It's just that you don't have experience yet, but experience will definitely come with practice.

Step 1
The most important thing is not to sit at home and do not sulk alone, because there are so many places around where you can meet interesting people - theaters, cinema, exhibitions, concerts, museums, cafes, public holidays, etc. etc. Make it a rule to spend time with people, and very soon you will realize that making acquaintances has become much easier for you.
Step 2
Before you become a dating professional, often go out with a friend or girlfriend who has no problem with communication. Firstly, through it it will be easier for you to meet new people, and secondly, you will look at it and adopt the "secrets of mastery".
Step 3
Learn to smile, and it is better to do it not once or twice a day, but constantly. Making the habit of smiling becomes second nature to you, you will come across as an open and friendly person, and people will be eager to make acquaintances with you.
Step 4
When communicating, direct your attention to the interlocutor, and do not think about whether you are speaking correctly and whether you are doing. Forget about your fears and complexes. Start communicating with strangers with insignificant and general phrases, but gradually expand their range. If you take small steps gradually, then soon you will completely cease to be afraid of making acquaintances.
Step 5
Compliments are an important element. Getting to know you will leave the person with the most pleasant impressions if you find something pleasant to him. At the same time, try to say what you really like, rather than extorting a compliment from yourself.
Step 6
Don't be afraid to be proactive with new acquaintances. Invite them to go for a walk, call them to the movies or to nature. Be bold and soon you will be able to make any acquaintances easily.