Who Should Greet First

Who Should Greet First
Who Should Greet First

The rules of etiquette have been around for a long time. But for some people, the question of who should be the first to greet is still open.

Who should greet first
Who should greet first

Business conversation

To deal with the question of who needs to be the first to greet, the first step is to take into account the age and social status of the interlocutors. If you take a large office as an example, the first person to greet here will be the one who is lower in work status. That is, the subordinate is the first to greet his boss or another superior person, regardless of age. An exception would be a situation in which the boss, entering the office, will see all his colleagues sitting at work and will greet them.

However, it is only accepted to think so. Things can be very different nowadays. Some bosses even allow themselves to be called "you". It already depends on the people themselves and their preferences.

Free communication

Free communication means communication with friends, family, acquaintances, without committing to anything, such as at work.

More often, when meeting in a cafe, theater, on the street and other public places, a man is usually the first to greet. But this does not mean that it should be so. Maybe he's just a very polite person in and of himself.

Greeting people of the older generation should be the first, it will be considered good form and respect for a person who has already lived almost a whole life.

If we assume that there was a first date between a guy and a girl, a man and a woman, the first greeting of a man to his passion will only be a plus, since at present there are not so many gallant and cultured men. Although this also applies to girls.

Perhaps, only in England, it will be considered very indecent if a man is the first to greet a woman. According to the rules of etiquette, she must first bow to him a little so that he can do the same in return.

It happens that on the street a person you do not know greets you. In this case, you can either say hello in return or just nod your head. Then you can remember for a long time who he is, and where you could have met him before.

You can greet a person as you like: "Hello!", "Good morning!", "Good day!", "Good afternoon!" etc. In this case, you can nod, bow, shake hands. And if you do it with a pleasant intonation and with a smile, the greeting will be doubly friendly.

According to a sociological survey, it is clear that most people believe that a man should be the first to greet. Maybe this is the way it should be, but the main thing is that the greeting is mutually pleasant!

In addition, do not forget about the long-existing phrase: "Whoever greets first is polite!"
