Who Should Write First: Boy Or Girl

Who Should Write First: Boy Or Girl
Who Should Write First: Boy Or Girl

Recently, people have begun to very often use social networks and regular SMS messages to communicate. However, there is a lot of controversy over who should write first.

Who should write first: boy or girl
Who should write first: boy or girl

Why should a guy write first?

According to the prevailing stereotypes, a guy should always be the first to take the initiative in communication. It used to be that the girl who first wrote to a man was frivolous and intrusive, so the ladies were looking forward to the first step from their lover.

If a guy really liked a representative of the opposite sex, he must definitely tell her about it, otherwise he simply risks missing his chance. Even the refusal that he can receive in return will not be as painful as male cowardice. Just imagine that you do not dare to start a dialogue with the girl you like, and then you will think that happiness was almost in your hands, and you missed it.

Why can a girl also write first?

All the stereotypes about who should write first have long been outdated. Girls are psychologically more courageous and strong than guys, so they can easily take the initiative and start communicating with a person on their own.

Even if a woman does not attract a man with her appearance, he is unlikely to ignore her message, as he will be interested in her courage. And then, after talking with a representative of the opposite sex a little longer, the girl will get a chance to show him her mental data, high level of intelligence and other positive qualities.

Some girls prefer to avoid taking the initiative, for fear of appearing intrusive. However, you must remember that your post will not be viewed negatively. Men, on the other hand, love brave women.

In addition, the fair sex may refuse to communicate with a guy just to intrigue him. It would seem that until recently they had a nice time on the first date, and after that the girl disappears, and initially she let the guy know that she was interested in him. Such behavior, of course, is permissible, but in this way the girls run the risk of receiving a blackmail response from the guy.

Remember one thing: if you really liked this or that person, you should not bother yourself with what is right and what is not. Do what you feel like doing. If you miss someone, tell them so. If you want to meet, invite. If you need any help, ask. Remember that life is too short and unpredictable, so you may not have another chance.
