How To Forget A Guy You Have Been Dating For A Long Time

How To Forget A Guy You Have Been Dating For A Long Time
How To Forget A Guy You Have Been Dating For A Long Time

Forgetting a guy, even if the relationship with him lasted several years, is quite real. And no more than a month. And in parallel with "forgetting", you can acquire a couple of useful skills and habits.

Forgetting a guy in two steps
Forgetting a guy in two steps

A breakup, regardless of who initiated it, is a serious trauma for both. But although it will be difficult at first, you should not give up on yourself and go into long-term depression. “You will have many more like that,” say the grandmothers at the entrance, and they are right. And in order to believe their words it was easier, and to survive the breakdown of a long-term relationship with a guy without nervous breakdowns, you can conditionally divide your next month of life into two stages

Stage 1: Forming memories

It's good when only the positive moments of the relationship remain in the memory. Worse, when a continuous negativity creeps into my head and the desire to slap a former lover's face with a razor at a meeting becomes stronger every minute. In order not to go crazy, it is better to start the stage of forming memories with attempts to remember all the good things that happened to you during the relationship.

After all the positive things that I managed to remember, you need to mentally remove moments like: "We went to the skating rink", "We ate cotton candy." Only memorable moments like: “He made me quit smoking”, “He taught me to drive”, etc. will have to be left. To independently create from the image of the former a certain phantom of a superman-assistant.

It seems difficult to substitute memories. In fact, you do it regularly, but on an intuitive level. A vivid example of a "reflex" substitution of memories: "I have not recovered, I have always been like this, I have a wide bone."

Stage 2: Materialization of the ideal

The headline sounds intimidating, but not everything is as confusing as it might seem at first glance. Materializing the ideal is just inventing a new hero-guy for yourself, who is able to paint your already amazing life in new shades.

You can materialize, or invent, an ideal based on your favorite book heroes and characters from popular TV series. It can be completely mythical. The main thing is to have it.

During the process of creating in the thoughts of your one and only dream man, you will be able to pass the time and finally throw out of your head a far from ideal ex-lover. And it is also believed that if you want something, then it will definitely be presented by fate. Therefore, we must not forget to prepare mentally for the appearance of an ideal man on the horizon.

About two weeks are allocated for each of the stages. Although, if you managed to form the necessary memories faster, then the second stage will fly by quickly, and the meeting with the invented superman will happen many times faster than in 30 calendar days.
